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Выпуск N1(7), январь 1997

                          АНОНС КОНФЕРЕНЦИЙ

                    "ПЕРЕМЕННЫЕ ЗВЕЗДЫ"
Международная научная конференция,
посвященная 90-летию со дня рождения В.П.Цесевича (1907-1983)
1-5 сентября 1997 г.

Украина, 270014, Одесса, парк им. Т.Г.Шевченко, АО ОГУ
Тел./факс: (0482) 228442;
E-mail: root@meteor.odessa.ua (только для конференции)

                     ПЕРВОЕ  СООБЩЕНИЕ

Конференция проводится: Одесским университетом им. И.И.Мечникова
и Одесским Астрономическим Обществом при содействии Международного
Астрономического Общества (Москва),
Украинской Астрономической Ассоциации,
Международного Фонда "Вiдродження" и
Одесских обладминистрации и горисполкома.

Владимир Платонович Цесевич останется в памяти его учеников и коллег как
неутомимый исследователь переменных звезд, внесший выдающийся вклад в
изучение двойных, пульсирующих и эруптивных звезд. Его перу принадлежат
653 научные работы, в том числе 20 монографий., некоторые из которых
были переведены на английский язык и изданы за рубежом.

НАУЧНАЯ ТЕМАТИКА КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ: теоретическое моделирование и результаты
наблюдений переменных звезд разных типов. Предполагаются заседания
секций: Тесные двойные системы, Пульсирующие звезды, Звездные
катаклизмы, Переменные рентгеновские и радио- источники, Солнечная и
звездная активность, Международная кооперация в исследовании переменных

Публикации: "Odessa Astronomical Publications", 1997, vol. 10.
Объем: 4 журнальные страницы для обзоров и 2 для оригинальных докладов.

Крайний срок подачи заявок 16 апреля 1997 г.
Крайний срок подтверждения приезда 26 августа 1997 г.
Крайний срок подачи материалов для публикации 3 сентября 1997 г.
    (по e-mail НЕ посылать!)

Научный оргкомитет: Председатель - В.Г.Каретников, И.Л.Андронов (секр.);
Н.Г.Бочкарев, А.А.Боярчук, Р.Е.Гершберг, Ю.Н.Гнедин, М.И.Рябов,
Н.Н.Самусь, А.М.Черепащук, Я.С.Яцкив.

                Регистрационная карточка
участника Международной научной конференции "Переменные Звезды",
посвященной 90-летию со дня рождения В.П.Цесевича (1907-1983)
1-5 сентября 1996г.
Полный адрес
Тема доклада

Дата приезда
Дата отъезда

% Dear colleague,
%      In what follows I am forwarding a LaTeX file containing the first
% announcement of the Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting for 1997
% organized by the Hellenic and the European Astronomical Societies, to be held
% in Thessaloniki, Greece. Please extract, process, print and circulate among
% colleagues in your Institute.
%      There are four basic forms (REGISTRATION, HOTEL RESERVATION, PAPER
% CONTRIBUTION and PAYMENT) to be completed and returned to the CONTACT
% ADDRESS mentioned below. The last part of this message (indicated by "Please
% Cut Here" can also be edited and printed as an ASCII file. It contains the
% PAPER CONTRIBUTION FORM (only). We plan to process this form electronically.
% Therefore, it would be particularly useful for us if you could send this
% form by E-mail. In case you encounter difficulties in processing the LATEX
% file, please feel free to download an equivalent file in PostScript
% format from our Web page:
%                http://www.astro.auth.gr/elaset/jenam97
% or send me a short note and I shall forward you the equivalent file.
%      I hope that you may attend the Conference and share with us both
% your scientific and social experiences.
%                                       Michael Contadakis
%           Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting for 1997
%                                JENAM-97
%                   2-5 July 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece
%           _________________________________________________________
%JENAM-97, M.E. Contadakis             Tel: +30 31 996122
%Aristotle University of Thessaloniki  FAX: +30 31 996408
%Faculty of Engineering                E-mail: elaset@astro.auth.gr
%Department of Geodesy and Surveying
%GR-540 06 Thessaloniki, Greece        http://www.astro.auth.gr/elaset/jenam97
 Main Scientific Objectives

High Energy Astrophysics
Nuclei of Galaxies
Neutron Stars, Pulsars and Black Holes
Extra-Solar Planets
Solar Physics and Astrophysical Plasmas
European Astronomy from the Ground and Space

The above subjects will be discussed during invited reviews at
it plenary sessions. Parallel sessions covering most subjects
of Astronomy will also be organised during the Conference. Finally,
it poster sessions are expected to play an important role in this
Conference, addressing recent results, which, in general, cannot be
included in the detailed plan of the scheduled sessions.

Deadline for early registration: March 15, 1997
Deadline for guaranteed reservation and minimum cancellation fees:
March 15, 1997

Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting for 1997 JENAM - 97
                   2 -- 5 July 1997

P A P E R     C O N T R I B U T I O N
If you wish to present more than one paper, please duplicate this form.
Submit this form to the Contact address of the Local Organising Committee,
mentioned in S 3.
Deadline: March 15, 1997
Direct questions to:  elaset@astro.auth.gr

I wish to present an oral                poster
paper in a parallel session, in the general area of Astronomy:
Title (preliminary):
Special Instructions (optional):

Author List:
Name  Long name  Address (Institution, Address, City, zip code, Country)

Contact Person:
Contact this person here:
(First Name,            Initials,               Family name

Full address:
(City,                Country,               zip code)

Phone & FAX:
phantomPhone and FAX:
(+Country code)           (area code)          (phone and fax numbers)

The co-ordinating committees will referee and accept the contributed papers.
            SUMMER  SCHOOL

10 Dundee Remote Sensing Summer School

49 Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics

Physical Processes in the Coastal Zone:
Computer Modelling and Remote Sensing
12th August to 29th August 1997.

This school in 1997 will consist of a three week programme of lectures,
seminars and discussion groups and is aimed at postgraduate students and
young research scientists working in the field of remote sensing (Earth
observation), geophysics and physical modelling. Some financial support
may be available for students in genuine need.

The programme is planned to include the following topics:

- Overview of physical processes and remote sensing
- Fractals and coastline definition
- Fluid dynamics and coastal processes: Hydrology of land surface
- Carbon flow modelling
- Airborne systems for coastal studies
- The contribution of satellite remote sensing to coastal zone studies
- Radionuclide dispersion
- Wetland biomass and coastal ecosystem health
- Trace gases, solar radiation and the Earth's radiation budget
- Pollution monitoring and clean-up of coastal zones in Russia in the
  post-Soviet era
- Coastal defence systems: beach nourishment
- Sediment transport and erosion/accretion

Preliminary inquiries and requests for further information and application
forms should be addressed to:
    Sheila Newcombe,
    Summer School Secretary,
    Dundee Centre for Coastal Zone Research,
    Department of Applied Physics and Electronics & Mechanical Engineering,
    University of Dundee,
    Dundee DD1 4HN, Scotland, UK

    email: S.K.Newcombe@dundee.ac.uk

Application deadline is 1 March 1997.

Undergraduate students are invited to apply for the Los Alamos Summer
School in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. Research includes topics
in astrophysics. Contact:

Michael Zeilik
AMO Summer School WWW Site: http://www.phys.unm.edu/~zeilik/amo

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