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Выпуск N6, декабрь 1996

                          АНОНС КОНФЕРЕНЦИЙ

РАЕН, МАМР, МГУ, МГОУ, МГГУ, МОИП приглашают Вас принять участие в
Международной конференции, посвященной столетию со дня рождения
Конференция пройдет 25 - 26 февраля 1997 г. (начало заседаний в 9
часов утра) в Клубе МГУ (Воробьевы Горы).
До 31 декабря пришлите, пожалуйста, тезисы Вашего доклада (1 экз.)
на 1-2 стр. белой бумаги (21х30 см) с полями 2,5 см со всех 4
сторон. Укажите Ваши инициалы, фамилию, название доклада, тезисы
доклада. Материал должен быть напечатан на машинке через 1,5 ин-
тервала (печать средней жирности). На последней странице прило-
жите ABSTRACT по английски (несколько строчек). Дополнительно со-
общите Ваши Ф.И.О., уч. степень, звание, учреждение, адреса, теле-
фоны, количество опубликованных работ, сделайте заявку на гостини-
цу. На конференцию привезите текст Вашего доклада (6 стр., 1 экз.,
форма та же).
Материалы присылайте по адресу:
               117935 Москва,
               Ленинский проспект, 6,
               МГГУ, РАЕН,
               Оргкомитет конференции
Секции конференции:
 1. Вклад Чижевского в мировую науку
 2. Исторические судьбы и перспективы космического естествознания
 3. Космическая биология и экология
 4. Геологические циклы в космосе
 5. "Электричество пастбищ жизни"
 6. Электродинамика крови in vito
 7. Электронно-ионные технологии
 8. "Муза в храме науки"

Председатель оргкомитета Президент РАЕН О.Л.Кузнецов
                    International Astronomical Union

                  Preliminary Programme of the XXIIIrd
                            GENERAL ASSEMBLY
                        Kyoto, 18-30 August 1997

Deadlines to remember
        Submission of poster abstracts    February 15, 1997
        Grant applications                February 15, 1997

        For inquiries concerning the XXIIIrd General Assembly
        in general and the Scientific Programme, please, contact:
Prof.Immo Appenzeller, General Secretary         Telephone: 33 1 43 258358
International Astronomical Union (IAU)           Facsimile: 33 1 43 252616
98 bis, bd Arago, F75014 Paris,                  E-mail: iau@iap.fr

        For all inquiries concerning registration and local arrangements
        in Kyoto except hotel/tour reservations, please, contact:
Prof.T.Fukushima, Chair                          Telephone: 81 422 343027
Local Organizing Committee,                      Facsimile: 81 422 343027
the XXIIIrd General Assembly of the IAU          E-mail: iau97@tenmon.or.jp
National Astronomical Observatory
2\21\1. Ohsawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan

        For all inquiries concerning hotel/tour reservations in Kyoto,
        please, contact:
Japan Travel Bureau, Inc.                        Telephone: 81 3 5620 9429
International Travel Division                    Facsimile: 81 3 5620 9400
Convention Center (CD100993-543)
5-5-2, Kiba, Koto-ku, Tokyo135, Japan


Invited Discourses
  JD 1 The Hubble Deep Field                        R.E.Williams
  JG 2 The Cataclysmic Variable Stars               B.Warner
  JD 3 Black Holes in the Universe                  I.D.Novikov

S 183 Cosmological Parameters and the Evolution pf the Universe
S 184 The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies
S 185 New Eyes to see Inside the Sun and Stars:
      Pushing the Limits of Helio- and Asteroseismology with
      New Observations from Ground and from Space
S 186 Galaxy Interactions at High and Low Redshift
S 187 Cosmic Chemical Evolution
S 188 The Hot Universe

Joint Discussions
JD  1 Abundance Ratio in the oldest Stars: Bulge and Halo
JD  2 Dwarf Galaxies: Probes for Galaxy Formation and Evolution
JD  3 Precession-Nutation and Astronomical Constants
JD  4 Challenges in Atomic Physics for Cosmic X-Ray Spectroscopy
JD  5 Preserving of the Astronomical Windows
JD  6 Interactions between Planets and Small Bodies
JD  7 The New International Celestial Reference Frame
JD  8 Stellar Evolution in Real Time
JD  9 Future Large Scale FAcilities in Astronomy
JD 10 Low-Luminosity Stars
JD 11 Redshift Survey in the 21st Century
JD 12 Electronic Publishing: Now and in the Future
JD 13 Detection and Study of Planets outside the Solar System
JD 14 The first Results of Hipparcos and Tycho
JD 15 The Combination of Theory, Observation, and Simulation
      for the Dynamics of Stars and Star Clusters in the Galaxy
JD 16 Spectroscopy with Large Telescopes of Chemically Peculiar Stars
JD 17 History of Oriental Astronomy
JD 18 High Energy Transients
JD 19 Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere in the Era of Space Probes
      Scientific Highlights of ULYSSES, SOHO, and YOHKOH47
JD 20 Enhancing Astronomical Research and Education in Developing Countries
JD 21 The Megamaser - AGN Connection
JD 22 Astronomy from the Moon
JD 23 The Leonid Meteor Storms: Historical Significance and Upcoming
JD 24 Pulsating Stars - Recent Developments in Theory and Observation

Special Sessions
SPS 1 Main Issues of the Galileo Mission to the Jupiter System
SPS 2 Highlights of the ISO Mission
                       SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT
            All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade
      -- a workshop for ASM and GRB missions in X-ray band --
              March 3-5, 1997, Wako, Japan
 CAUTION!  Workshop dates have been changed from those in the
                preliminary announcement.

Place: The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
       Wako, Saitama
       + A tour to Tsukuba Space Center of NASDA, Tsukuba, Ibaraki


    We have set up an international workshop at RIKEN entitled
"All-Sky X-Ray observations in the Next Decade
-- a Workshop for ASM and GRB mission in X-ray band --.
  The dates for this workshop are 3 - 5 March, 1997. The workshop is
sponsored by the Science and Technology Agency of the Government of
Japan (STA) in cooperation with the Japan International Science and
Technology Exchange Center (JISTEC).  Regarding the size of the
workshop, we expect it to be relatively small (less than 100
participants) to ensure active discussions.


     Following is the list of topics offered in this workshop.
Each topic will be covered by a few invited talks.  Contributed papers
(talks and posters) are solicited.

     General review of past ASM and GRB missions
     Current missions
     Science of transients
        (GRBs, X-ray bursts, neutron star binaries,
        black hole candidates, CVs, supernovae, AGNs, ...)
     Requirements for future missions
     Scheduled missions
     Proposed missions


September 1996:         Preliminary announcement
December, 1996:         Second announcement
                        with registration form
January 15, 1997:       Registration dead line.
January 31, 1997:       Abstract dead line.
March 3-5, 1997:        Workshop.

For current information about this workshop, please see

For Additional Information, mail to

 Masaru Matsuoka
 Nobuyuki Kawai
 Cosmic Radiation Laboratory
 The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research,
 2-1, Hirosawa, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-01, Japan
 Tel:+81-48-467-9333(MM), 9336(NK)


All participants (including those responded to the preliminary
announcements) are requested to submit the registration form either by
E-mail, or on-line WWW form by January 15, 1997.

REGISTRATION FORM  (send to workshop@crab.riken.go.jp, or use WWW

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