- 1. Н.В. Быстрова "Remarkable details in the Local Bubble's
HI distribution", Lecture Notes in Physics, 1998.
- 2. А.М. Боташев, О.В. Верходанов, О. Кардона, Н.М. Липовка,
А.А. Липовка, М.Г. Мингалиев, Е. Чавира "Исследование галактик в
скоплении А1185 и его окрестностях", Астрон. ж., 1998.
- 3. В.K. Дубрович, А.А. Липовка "CO molecules in the shells of
quasars 1556+3517 and 0840+3633", //astro-ph/9871181 , 1998.
- 4. В.К. Дубрович, А.А. Липовка "Possible existence of molecules in
the shells of quasars 1556+3517 and 0840+3633", ESO Conference
on chemical evolution from zero to high redshift, 1998,Proceedings.
- 5. О. Кардона, Е. Чавира, Н.М. Липовка, А.А. Липовка,
О.В. Верходанов "Radio and IR activity of a group of blue galaxies",
Proceedings of the Conference "Universe as seen by ISO"
Paris, 1998.
- 6. В.К. Дубрович, А.А. Липовка "Non-linear scattering effect and
parameters of IR galaxies", Proceedings of the Conference
"Universe as seen by ISO", Paris, 1998.
- 7. В.К. Дубрович, А.А. Липовка "Non-linear effects in the
strong radiation field and distances in the Universe", 1998.
- 8. N.V. Bystrova "Some Details in the HI Distribution
Towards the Local Bubble", Bull. Spec. Astrophys. Obs., v.46,
p.97-100, 1998.
Тезисы докладов:
- 1. Н.В. Быстрова "Low LSR velocity neutral hydrogen in the
direction of the Magellanic Stream", The IAU Symposium 190,
Canada, 12-17 July, Abstract, 1998.
- 2. Н.В. Быстрова "The RATAN-600 Atomic Hydrogen studies outside
the galactic plane", ISM Workshop, Naramata, BC, Canada, 1998,
- 3. Н.В. Быстрова "The IRAS data correlations with the atomic
hydrogen studies outside the galactic plane", The conference
"The Universe as seen by ISO", Paris, 1998, Abstract.