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Handbook of RATAN-600 Continuum observer

Handbook of RATAN-600 Continuum observer, ver.0.3 (Oct 1998)

  1. Antenna RATAN-600 and techniques of observations
  2. Ephemerides and time service
  3. Problem of "8-points in angle of place"
  4. Arrangement of radiometers horns in feed-cabine N1
  5. Observations with "South" in lower and upper culminations
  6. Calculations of index situation of focus
  7. Old variant of the registration program
  8. The new registration program
  9. Data-reduction of observing F-files
  10. Archive of observations of feed-cabine N1
  11. Current ajustments and antenna pointing
  12. Parameters of radiometers of feed-cabine N1
  13. Database CATS supporting system of astrophysical catalogs
  14. Flux calibration observations in continuum
  15. Spectral points of secondary calibrators
  16. Principal formula for data-reducting of calibration sources
  17. New parameters of calibtation sources
  18. Examples of measurements of calibration sources
  19. What and how the observator must do

send responces or comments to:
Trushkin Sergei Trushkin
Verkhodanov Oleg Verkhodanov
Chernenkov Vladimir Chernenkov

Here all references are to Russian files now (27/10/98).

1. Antenna RATAN-600

Radio Astronomical Telescope Academy Nauk (science) of Russia is one of the two big telescope of Special Astrophysical Observatory. BTA and RATAN-600 are largest optical and radio telescopes in Russia.

RATAN has seen 'first light' from source PKS 0521-36 12 July 1974 . Since more 50000 observations were caried out in continuum. Main advantage of the telescope is multi-frequiency (1 - 31 cm wavelength) and high bright temperature sensitivity.

Proposals for observational time we ask to send to KTBT KTBT.

Blank of proposal on observation

First half of year 1997 schedule

Antenna of RATAN radio telescope consist of 576-m circle of 895 elements (2 x 11.5 m), which could use as 4 independent sectors (225 elements) of that reflector (named: North, South, West and East). Three different feed-cabines (N1,2, 3) with secondary mirrors could simulteniously collect radio emission from these three sectors and be used in programs of contiuum, spectral and solar observations. With central rail-way ratation circle the feed-cabines could be move in any of 12 fixed azimiths. But in 1997 only azimuths 0, 30, 180 and 270o can be used in observations.

In the end of 1985 a new conical mirror and feed-cabine N6 was firstly used. That feed-cabine aloows to collect radio emission from whole circle, but range of source declinations limited in this regime the zone of zenith distance z=±6o (or Dec: 38-49o ).

View of RATAN-600 from ratan.exe by S.Trushkin

Common plan of telescope (program ratan). Each element of image has reference of describing text, use click of mouse.

Geographic coordinates of the RATAN center, as measured with astrometric observations in 1968 Juanary:
latitude (phi) 43o 49' 52".75±0".16
longitude -02h46m22.1s or -41о 35' 31".5
hight from sea level 970 m
A0 H = (90 - phi) + delta = 46o10'07".25 + delta

A180lc H = -(90 - phi) + delta = -46o10'07".25 + delta

A180tc H = (90 + phi) - delta = 133o49'52".75 - delta

Closing angles by mountains:
Azimuth Hmax Directions
0o 2o16'52" in North
90o 2o07'00" in East
180o 3o19'30" in South
270o 2o39'00" in West

Techniques of observations

  1. Usualy the transit regime of source through unmoving direction diagram (beam) of telescope. That regime is fitted for big list of sources or for survey on fixed elevation.
  2. Regime of 'unmoved focus' with one sector is fitted for massive observations of sources in range of nearby declinations: 2-3o for DEC = 0 and 10o - for declination: -30o. In this case feed-cabine became in the same position, thus no movement or ajustment of horizon. Accuracy of determination of RA and DEC improves to 3-10".
  3. Since of 1996 the current regime of 'sliding' with effective time of collection of 60-100 second. If you know coordinates of object you could decrease threshold of determination of radio emission. his regime could use anly with North or South sectors.
  4. Regime "Zenith" is observation with feed-cabine N6 and whole circle, but is not in the plan of 1997.
  5. Regime "Atmosphere" is vertical cross-cuts for detrermination absorbtion in atmosphere, it needs only 1-2 cross-cuts-removing of antenna from 5 to 30o.

2. Ephemerides and time service

In MS DOS efemerides of sources could be calculate in program EFRAT , created in SpbITA. In database of EFRAT there are two files of parameters from 1976 to 1990 fd7690 and file jd9000 from 1990 to 2000. Two editable files efrat.ini and obser.dat allow to change location of the observatory and time zone. Ephemerides of the Sun, Moon, planets and Galiley satellites of Jupiter also as stars and radio sources could calculate from EFRAT. In Linux the programs of efemerides epoch . or task preparation of observation could be used.

Here galactic and equatorial coordinates tramsformation figures are given.
Time service of RATAN-600 outputs sideral seconds and impulses of minutes with time codes for feed-cabines. These signals are coincided with local sideral time, recalculated from coordinate time UTC, using of sideral time program (stime) having accuracy of 0.0001s. DeltaUT1 and deltaT can be received from Time service or from Astronomical Annuals. In table UT1-UTC1 you could find values these corrections in 1988-1996.

In two figures the correction values UT1-UTC1 are given for period 1979 - 1996.

These corrections are smaller one second. Be careful in two dates: 31.12 - 1.01 and 30.06 - 01.07. Thus for determined azimuth

Ts(cul) + deltaUT1 = RAef - nutation in RA = mean Ts.
If it is so, than observation were carried just in needed azimuth, and a horn of radiometer placed in correct focus (using a focal motion of carriage of radiometers).

It should be noted, that in North sector railways have systematic error in limits of 10-15 mm, thus "correct" position of carriage changes likely. But as usualy observer uses the same position of carriage in sets of observations. So some years position of the horn of 7.6 cm radiometer, '1058 mm' was correct for all range of elevations.
In figure plot of changing of moments of source culminations with fixed position of horn, recalculated on value of carriage, in dependence on the focal distance.

At least, for addition of records, received in different epoch, this records could carry to same epoch or to take into account changing of nutationin same period.

Program jdate [dd/mm/yy] or [jd] outputs Julian day or gives current date from Julian day, (plus day of weak and deltaUT1 in 1980-1996 with accuracy of ±0.02s) .

The programs stime (DOS) and stm calculate mean sideral time on any date (usage: stime [hh] [mm] [ss] [dd/mm/yy] ). This program takes into account passage to summer time.

Remember: in summer time correction to Greenwich time is 4 hours, for winter it is 3 hours. From 1996 this transfer became to do in last sunday of October, as in most of European counties.

Here the plot of nutation in Right ascention are shown in 1979-2001. It could be used for estimate of changing of nutation.

Refraction was involved in account of horizon coordinates as in table:

Table radio refraction
Z H Refraction
0o 90o 0
5 85 0'06"
... ... ...
84 6 10'00"
85 5 11 42
86 4 14 00
87 3 17 18
88 2 22 28
89 1 30 30
90 0 38 42

This dependence could be roughly fitted by formula

Ref(opt) = 58".3*tg(z) - 0.067*tg3(z)
Ref(rad) =1.2*Ref(opt)
Ref(rad) =69".14*tg(90-h) (for 20o < h < 90o )

Plot of radio refraction near RATAN-600 and its approximation of by 5-power polynome in refra (DOS).

Number of antenna elements in dependence on elevation of source: Second column gives horizon size of antenna, from formula

d = 2* 288.5* sin(N/2*0.4o)
H N el. d (m) 1.38/d
0o 164310-
10 166 312 9.1" (11")
20 172 326 -
30 178 336 -
40 190 355 -
50 206 380 7.5"
55 224 407 -
57 225 408 6.94" = one
60 235 422 sector
65 256 461 -
70 280 478 -

beam of RATAN sector antenna
Calculated beam of RATAN North sector antenna at 7.6 cm (H=51o). Horizon HPBW (in Azimuth) is equal 60", and vertical one - 15'. Base is equal 10 % of maximum value.

3. Problem of "8 points in angle of place"

AK-adjustment group discovered systematic difference in Geodesic and autocallimation adjustments: in general the AC angle of elevation smaller geodesic one on 6-8 points. Now for short waveband observations this correction needs to involve because of as observations (1978-79, 1995-96) show the gain of antenna decrease in two times at 2 cm wavelength without this correction. return

4. Arrangement of horns feed-cabine N1

Carriage of feed-cabine N1 had five configuration at least:

1976 to 1980 program carra80

1980 to 1992 program carra89

1993 to 15.03 1994 program carra93

1994 to 04.11 1996 program carra94

1996 to now program cavrra96

(by S.Trushkin)
Current and last year carriage of feed-cabine N1

Velosity of moving source image in focal line defined by formula, coincident with direct measurements:

North                  V  =  ---------------    mm/s
			      1 + cos(H)

South +flat mirror      =  10.537*cos(delta)  mm/s

Geometric optics gives
	V  = 15*cos(delta)*(r0=288470mm)/(1+cos(h))*sin(1")=
	     =20.92*cos(delta)/( 1+cos(h) ) mm/s

velocity of source in focal line

5. Observations with "South" in lower and upper culminations

South sector could be used as usual sector, and as three-mirror antenna with flat reflector. This beam is a "fan" or "knife-edge" aligned in vertical plane. This South and flat mirrir antenna and new feed-cabine N5 could be used for azimithal observations (from A=-30o to +30o). Below the figure of RATAN southern railways are given. Observations of sources limited declinations range +46o - +90o in lower culmination and declination range +75o - +90o in both culminations. Limitation are from shadow effects of flat reflector.
h=90o                                      flat         h=43o50'    h=0
|       h>60o                                |  h<60o     |           |
|                                            |            |           |
|                                            |            |           |
|  Fcalc 20       40       60       80      100      120  |  140 m    |
C--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---|----|------| S
|                                            |            |           |
|           upper            c u l m i n a t |i o n       | lower cul.|
|                                            |            |           |
43o50' dec:                                  75o         90o         46o
Again formula for elevation with South sector.
H(lc) = DECeph - 46o10'08"
H(uc) = 133o49'52" - DECef
With one sector of RATAN the "Up-zenith" sources can be observed: 90o < H < 97o. In this case feed-cabine has negative focus distance, but source elevation must be calculated for diametrical azimuth.

6. Calculations of index situation of focus

For calculation of position of feed-cabine index on radial railways the following formula is used
deltaR = Fcalc - deltaF - Ri
where deltaR is distance in mm from the closest geodesic sign to center from feed-cabine; deltaF - experimental addition to calculated position (as usually being fitted by linear or quadratic polynomes); Ri - distance in mm from center of circle to the geodesic sign. The focal distance measured from 6-7 calibrated geodesic signs.
In North railways :
Geodesic signs distance
1 20014
2 40000
3 60022
4 80011
5 100011
6 120014
7 139996
Geodesic signs 1-th was 20024 before 1995, 6-th was 120005 before 1995) 7-th was 139983 before 1995.
Search of focal distance of North sector (feed-cabine N1) is made every time after AC-adjustment.

Distance between imaginary focus and index of feed-cabine N1 (S. Golosova)

15.09.82 4884 mm

03.11.89 4869 mm

19.01.95 4862 mm

05.03.97 48?? mm

For N2 : 4926 mm

Plot of calculated focus Fcalc via elevation, as output by program focus. focus from of a sector antenna
Fcalc = (1-F){Rmax - 445.0(1/cos(h/2) -1) }, where

Rmax = 288470 mm;

Rmin = 287530 mm;

F = (1 - K cosh)/(1 + cosh);

K = sqrt(1 - (Rmin/Rmax)2).
For elevation 5o 1 mm of focus is equal 33" in elevation
For elevation 10o 1 mm of focus is equal 15"
For elevation 20o 1 mm of focus is equal 7"
For elevation 44o 1 mm of focus is equal 3"
For elevation 75o 1 mm of focus is equal 1"
For elevation 95o 1 mm of focus is equal 0.5"

Plots elevation of source h and hour angle t from current declination for antenna azimuths: 0, 30, 60 and 90o.

Calculation of beam and transverse aberration using algorithms by A.N. Korzhavin, rewiting in C by O. Verkhodanov and S. Trushkin. Thus any beam for real observations could be calculated.

There are version for LINUX aberr , gs and be.
and for MS DOS aber and gst.

Plot of transverse aberration in dependance from shift distance along the carriage of feed cabine for several North sector elevation.

Plot of longitudinal aberration in dependance from shift distance along the railways of feed cabine for several North sector elevation (red - elevation 17o, yellow - elevation 77o, green - elevation 87o).

7. Old variant of the registration program

Old registration or data collection worked from 1987 to 1994 and used the 'SM' computers with NTS system.

8. The new registration program

Here new data collection is the complex for registration and management of continuun radiometers "Continuous" was created for Linux and local intranets
About this new system you could read here . PC ref1.ratan.sao.ru are placed on feed-cabine N1 (600 m from server). All observers login as user: obs , passwd: (ask ratan super-user). The user obs works with menu of program input. He creates packet (as a rule named by real name of user). For example, satr. He could edit the packet input positions and output with saving as . Then observer must send task-packet for data-registration program rr. Ephemerides of planets, Sun and Moon must be calculated by efrat . In 1996 October importing of text files of task of observations in task-packet using PLATEX fromat.

Import of files could use for remote preparation and correction of observing task-packet.

With utility prit obssatr file obssatr.p would be cteated, available for viewing. Then this files will send to user e-mail address.

Example of record of source PKS 1830-21  from a  such file obsbur.p .
 Number		  3(o)
 File		 r6906p1830-21		Feed-cabine		1
 Source		 1830-210  		Observer	Bursov
 Date		 06 09 96		Azimuth		    0d00m0.00s
 Elevation	 25d09m23.639s		Horn_WL in Focus	2.70
 Elevation_ef	 25d09m23.640s		Horn			w
 RA 1950	 18h30m41.010s		Carriage		940.00
 Dec1950	-21d05m32.000s		Variant/Type		a/d
 RA_date	 18h33m29.090s		Discret sec		0.10
 Dec_date	-21d03m11.457s		Focus mm		147985.594
 Nutation in RA	 0.211s			Start location		940.00
 Siderial time	 18h33m28.879s		Velocity mm/sec		0.000
 Local    UTC	 20h42m54.855s		V(car)/V(src)		0.00
 Start    time	 18h30m58.88s		Time before RA m	2.500
 Stop     time	 18h35m28.88s		Time after  RA m	2.000
 Channel Wave_cm Stocks Regime	Clv_K	Gain Tau Compress W_shift E_shift sec
  2	 2.70	   I	BS	1.35	+ 5  0.00    1	  0.00	-9.23
  4	 7.60	   I	SH	0.41	+ 4  0.00    1	  11.35	 13.70
  5	 13.00	   I	SH	2.00	- 4  0.00    1	 -40.39	-40.39
  9	 31.00	   I	SH	1.90	- 5  0.00    1	  66.25	 66.25
  3	 3.90	   I	BS	1.00	+ 3  0.00    1	 -14.62	-29.81
  8	 1.38	   I	BS	1.70	+ 5  0.00    1	 -4.71	-80.96
Program rr loads current packets, sent by each observer.

Program vis or xvisn are used for visualization of observations . Example of visualization of chanals 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9 with calculations of dispersion and without new time synkhronization:

xvisn -s -g -c "2 3 4 5 9" ref1
Program vis is used at ref1 as a rule, and programs visn and xvisn work under X-windows on any network PC. Program visn needs моды "s" and owner = root, because it was created with svgalib.

In focus of cariage horns could arrange automatically from packet rr in the begining of task. The remote compensation of radiometers levels are included in the management:

comp -l lambda_cm.
Note: it could load only in ref1.

Recorded files load down in archive at server (ns.ratan.sao.ru) /PUB/archive/ref1/. These multi-frequency FLEX-files named by format rYMDDaHHMM-DD, where

r - sign of records in continuum

Y - last figure of Year

M - mouth (in 16-mal system 123456789ABC)

DD - day

a/p- 'ante meridiem' or 'past meridiem' of the record. These signs follow the possible twice observations in day.

HH - source name consists of hours and minutes of RA (here B1950)

MM minutes if RA

- - sign of declination

DD - degrees in declination

p - a flag of files from data recording system of based on signal processor four-channal output of 31 cm-radiometer (pulsar.ratan.sao.ru).

These FLEX-files could be transformed in f-files by program fl2f .
For example: by fl2f r* -dos -c comp files for data-proccessing in MS DOS with compression in text-file comp.

In special files /users/obs/lib/chan/chanst main parameters of radiometers and parameters of registration: channels, temperature steps of noise calibration signals, arrangement of carriage, regimes and so on. Observer can create new type of observations with defined special perameters.

Transformations equatorial and galactic cordinates could be made by program epoch in Linux and fad in MS DOS.

9. Data-reduction of observing F-files

Interpolation for changing time discrete interval could be made by intv
intv -d step filename > new_file
(O. Verkhodanov)

If observer wants data-reducting with f-files in MS DOS or (dosemu in Linux) he could use program prat.

Example of prat output:


prat filename or prat and use menu.

prat *? (wild cards use for list of files in current directiry)

prat file1 file2 file3 ... (view of n < 10 files)

prat @textfile import of text files, including colomn of float numbers.

( by T.Sokolova & S.Trushkin)

List of f-files working programs current data-reduction of RATAN f-files include more than 80 different programs, created by O. Verkhodanov in Linux. His interactive program fgr works under X-windows and has detailed manual of users.
Usage fgr file1 file2 ... [flags]
For viewing of f-files heads dff filenames could be used. return

10. Archive of observations of feed-cabine N1

Archive of continuum observations consist of 140 magnetic tapes. From 1982 to 1987 only multi-frequency files were archived, which could be data-processed with old program PRF for SМ. Since 1991 new archive program ODA are used, 38 magnetic tapes were rewrited an DAT-tapes (since 1989). OLD records are accessible only by way MERA-685 -> kermit-> RATAN-server or by way PCSM- MS DOS at nova.ratan.sao.ru and ares.ratan.sao.ru. Now archive rewrite on DAT tapes every 1-2 weeks after observations.

(S.Pavlov, V.Kononov)

11. Current adjustments and antenna pointing

Since 1993 August to 1995 March the geodesic adjustment antenna base was used in observations. (T. Plasnina).

Now with fixing of surface of main mirror elements of North sector Accuracy of the surface is better 0.2 mm.

In 1996 September new AC-adjustment of North sector. Search of "8-points" shows value -4 point for angle. return

12. Parameters of radiometers of feed-cabine N1

Wavelength Frequency 1sigma ( K) tau=1sec