Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://mavr.sao.ru/hq/lizm/conferences/pdf/1991/1992_1_p6-p8.pdf
Дата изменения: Wed Feb 24 18:49:35 2010
Дата индексирования: Sat Jun 26 16:43:04 2010

Поисковые слова: m 8

Introductio n Lis t o f Participant s ......................................................... .

8 1 0


N.A. Silant'ev .

Th e calculatio n o f the turbulent diffusivitie s o f magneti c

field s an d particle s usin g the non-linea r equation s fo r th e Gree n function......... 11 M.A. Pogodin . Polarizatio n spectru m o f B e star s wit h allowanc e fo r Farada y . . 3 0

rotatio n o f polarizatio n plan e fo r dipol e magneti c field s

Yu.V. Glagolevskij , G.P . Topilskaya . T.A. Kartashova . O n dependenc e o f chemi ca l element s abundanc e i n the atmosphere s o f He-ric h star s upo n ag e . . 3 6


P . North , Yu.V. Glagolevskij , I.I. Romanyuk , V.G. El'kin. Sear h fo r magneti c fiel d in Bidelman' s F Sr 407 7 stars.. .. 51

F.G. 1ova , I.I. Romanyuk . Th e extremel y large comple x magneti c fiel d o f th e He-ric h sta r HD3777 6 I.I. Romanyuk , V.G . El'kin , V.G. Shtol' . . . Observatio n o f fou r Stoke s parame . . 5 7 5 4

ter s i n th e continuu m o f He-ric h star H D 3777 6

E . Gerth , V.D . Bychkov , Yu.V. Glagolevskij , I.I. Romanyuk . Magneti c fiel d an d radia l velocit y observation s o f the C P star 5 2 He r fro m SA O Nizhni j Arkhy z - Russi a an d BN O Rozhe n - Bulgari a . . 6 0

V.G . El'kin . A searc h fo r magneti c fiel d in blu e fiel d horizonta l branc h stars........... 65 V.G . El'kin . Th e effectiv e magneti c fiel d o f H D 21544 1 . . 6 7


P . North .

Photometri c period s o f som e old S i star s

. .

7 2

I.I. Romanyuk , G.P . Topilskaja , O.A. Mikhnov.

Investigatio n o f distribu CVn.....7 6

tio n o f chemica l elemen t abundanc e wit h dept h i n the atmospher e o f

V.L.Khokhlova , G.P . Topilskaja . Stud y o f vertica l stratificatio n o f C r abun danc e i n th e atmospher e o f C P star N. E. Piskunov . CV n . . .. 8 5 92

SYNT H - a cod e fo r rapid spectral synthesi s

Yu . A . Gvozd' , G.P . Topilskaja .

Determinatio n o f the effectiv e temperature s

o f He-wea k an d He-ric h star s usin g metho d o f criterion s o f spectra l clas -


sificatio n L . A . Zakharova . Abundanc e analysi s o f two Hg-M n stars : H D 17806 5 an d H D 18230 8 wit h noble-gase s anomalie s D . lev , V . Koleva . Spectroscopi c study o f the gian t A m star H D 15774 0 M .Yu . Skulskij . Toward s understandin g o f the and investigatio n o f M. Zboril . Ly r nature : magneti c fiel d

10 3

117 122

and He I 706 5 emissio n line dynamic s Pe g Chemica l compositio n o f

127 133

Microturbulenc e depth-dependenc e in

L.S . Lyubimkov , N.S . Polosukhina , S.I . Rostopchin . the component s o f the lithium binar y star Pe g


N.S . Polosukhina , L.S . Lyubimkov , S.I . Rostopchin . Chemica l compositio n o f lithiu m binar y sta r Peg. ............................................ A spectroscopi c stud y of HD 579 7 145 141

I.Kh. Iliev , I.S. Barzova , P.S. Peeva. progres s repor t


N.M. Shakhovskoj , S.V. Kolesnikov , I.L. Andronov . AM Herculi s at th e low state : the circula r polarizatio n disappeare d I.L. Andronov . system s I.L. Andronov , S.V. Kolesnikov , E.P. Pavlenko , N.M. Shakhovskoj . Photometri c observation s o f the magneti c cataclysmi c variabl e sta r B Y Cam=H0538+60 8 I.L. Andronov , E.P . Pavlenko , T.M. Seregina , S.Yu. Shugarov , N.A . Shvechkova . Photometri c stud y o f M R Serpentis : extrem e light curv e variation s o f th e magneti c cataclysmi c binary. V.P . Kozhevnikov . A M Herculi s J.M. Bonnet-Bidaud , N.N . Somov , T.A. Somova . A M He r i n the low stat e (Septem be r 1990 ) J.M. Bonnet-Bidaud , M . Mouchet , N.N . Somov , T.A. Somova . Spectra l an d photo metri c stud y of the pola r BY Ca m - H0538+60 8 in 1990-199 1 186 181 Observation s o f the rapid quasi-periodi c oscillation s i n 173 160 158 O n the orbita l eccentricit y change s i n magneti c clos e binar y 155 148


V.G . Klochkova , V.E . Panchuk . Nasmyt h echell e spectrometer s o f the 6 m tele scope . V.G . Shtol' , V.I . Polyakov , A.N . Konojko , N.A . Vikul'ev . Circula r polariza tio n analyze r of hydrogen-lin e magnetomete r of the 6 m telescop e V.G.Shtol' . Consideratio n o f som e systemati c error s i n observation s wit h th e hydrogen-lin e magnetomete r of the 6 m telescope 194 190 188



N.F . Vojkhanskaya . dwarfs ?

Ca n magneti c C P star s b e ancestor s o f magneti c whit e 199 .201

S . Hubrig . Th e magneti c field o f Theta Aur: Preliminar y result s M.Yu . Skulskij , I.D. Najdenov , I.I. Romanyuk , V.D . Bychkov . tion s of Firs t observa

Ly r in Fe II 4233 line mad e wit h a magnetomete r wit h the . . .........20 4 Evidenc e o f a 20 7

Fabry-Pero t interferomete r

E . Gerth , V.D . Bychkov , Yu.V . Glagolevskij , I.I. Romanyuk .

magneti c fiel d i n the B9 p star E T And and searc h fo r period s V.D . Bychkov , V.G . El'kin , V.G . Shtol' . fiel d variabilit y M.Yu . Skulskij , S.N. Plachinda , Yu.F . Mal'kov. O n the CCD-stud y o f the red double t of ionized silico n in the spectrum of magneti c field . J. Ziznovsky , J. Zverko , M. Zboril , J. Budaj . A photometri c and spectroscopi c glanc e a t the C P star H R 1643 J. Ziznovsky . Ne w perio d determinatio n for V 39 2 Ca r Lyr : radia l velocitie s an d Investigatio n o f 5 2 He r magneti c


21 6

22 3 22 5

J . Zverko , J . Ziznovsky , M . Zboril . Elementa l abundanc e analysi s o f C P star s 21 CV n and 53 Aur. I.Coadding spectrogram s and Teff , log g determination s J . Budaj , M . Zboril , J . Zverko . Radiativ e acceleration s o n G a an d A l ions i n the atmospher e of type star M . Zboril , J . Budaj . Sill autoionizatio n line s and stratifie d atmospher e i n B p typ e sta r , 23 3 23 2 22 7

Z.N. Fenina , N.S . Zgonyajko . O n the physical-chemica l characteristic s o f the magneti c variabl e star Cr B 23 4

L.P. Zaikova , S.N. Udovichenko , Yu.S . Romanov . Th e rotationa l velocitie s o f pulsatin g stars : S W And A.Kh . Rzaev , E.L . Chentsov . Hig h dispersio n spectroscop y o f whit e supergiant s H D 2138 9 an d H D 21291 N.S . Polosukhina , L . Hanni . O n lithium 670 8 line displacemen t i n the spect rum o f magneti c sta r D.E . Mkrtichian . Cr B 25 3 246 24 3

Mode l calculation s o f periodi c spatia l filter s and line ...260

profil e variation s fo r pulsatin g CP 2 star s V.G . Shtol' , G.V. Volkova , V.G , Karetnikov. Measurement s o f magneti c field s o f binarie s wit h composit e spectr a usin g the hydrogen-lin e magnetometer . Determinatio n o f V44 8 Cy g magneti c fiel d i n the mai n minimu m

26 4