International Conference "Magnetic Stars"
Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russia
August 27 – September 1, 2010
Invited talks: ≤ 30 pages
Talks: ≤ 15 pages
Posters: ≤ 5 pages
All contributions must be prepared in English. Contributions, written in other languages, including Russian, will not be accepted.
The text should be prepared in LaTeX. Other formats will not be accepted. The preferable style is sao1. The style file sao1.sty is available at the anonymous ftp server Also you can download the instruction The instruction is available only in Russian, so you can use any other journal style (A&A etc.) or plain LaTeX . The main request is that the text, formulas and tables should be formed with the usual LaTeX format. Necessary technical corrections will be done by the editorial board.
Figures should be prepared in Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) or Postscript (PS) formats. It is possible, that the proceedings will be printed in black-and-white, so if you have a color figure, please, ensure that it is clearly understandable in black-and-white.
In references, please, use the following order: A. Author(s), Journal (or other), Volume, Page, year
Deadline for submitting
November, 1, 2010
All contributions (including papers of the SAO staff) should be submitted to Dmitry Kudryavtsev ().