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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue May 5 16:21:28 2009
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Aug 18 07:04:00 2009

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ISSN 1990-3413, Astrophysical Bulletin, 2007, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 339­351. c Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2007. Original Russian Text c I.I. Balega, Yu.Yu. Balega, A.F. Maksimov, E.V. Malogolovets, D.A. Rastegaev, Z.U. Shkhagosheva, G. Weigelt, 2007, published in Astrofizicheskij Byulleten, 2007, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 358­370.

Speckle Interferometry of Nearby Multiple Stars. IV. Measurements in 2004 and New Orbits
I. I. Balega1 , Yu. Yu. Balega1 , A. F. Maksimov1, E. V. Malogolovets1 , D. A. Rastegaev1 , Z. U. Shkhagosheva1, and G. Weigelt2

Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhnij Arkhyz, 369167 Russia 2 Max-Planck Institut fur Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany ¨
Received August 27, 2007; in final form, October 3, 2007

Abstract--The results of speckle interferometric observations of 104 binary and 6 triple stars performed at the BTA 6 m telescope in 2004 October are presented. Nearby low-mass stars are mostly observed for the program, among which 59 there are new binaries recently discovered by the Hipparcos astrometric satellite. Concurrently with the diffraction-limited position measurements we obtained 154 brightness ratio measurements of binary and multiple star components in different bands of the visible spectrum. New, firstresolved binaries are the symbiotic star CH Cyg with a weak companion at 0.043 separation and the pair of red dwarfs, GJ 913 = HIP 118212. In addition, we derived the orbital parameters for two interferometric systems: the CN-giant pair HD 210211 = HIP 109281 (P=10.7 yr) and the G2V-K2V G2V-K2V binary GJ 9830 = HIP 116259 (P=15.7 yr). PACS numbers : 97.80.Kq DOI: 10.1134/S1990341307040050

1. INTRODUCTION This is the fourth paper in the series of publications with the data on speckle interferometry observations of binary and multiple stars performed with the BTA 6 m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences using a new detector system based on a 3-stage image intensifier and a fast CCD [1]. The main objects of the program are nearby low-mass stars with a considerable, of the order of 10 /yr, relative motion of the components, which makes them good new candidates for the calculation of visible orbits. Around half of these stars are new binaries discovered by the Hipparcos astrometric satellite [2]. The regular speckle interferometric observations of new Hipparcos binaries have been carried out at the BTA telescope since 1998 [3­ 5]. In addition, some early-type systems that are interesting for interferometric monitoring were included in the program. In particular, the Orion Trapezium members were observed in the visible range to reveal the relative motion of the components. 2. OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS The measurements are derived from speckle interferometry [6] observations taken at the BTA 6 m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory during the period October 23 through November

1, 2004. During the observing period, the seeing changed between 1 and 5 . On October 25/26, the seeing was 0.8 ­1 . Note that even in the nights of poor seeing, speckle interferometry allowed us to perform speckle measurements of bright stars with a diffraction-limited angular resolution. The instrumentation, observing procedure, data reduction, and calibration have already been described in the previous papers of this series [3­5]. The high sensitivity of the detector allows us to measure stars up to the 15th magnitude with a diffractionlimited resolution. In this paper the results of 181 measurements of the relative positions of 104 binary stars (Table 1) and single measurements for 6 triple stars (Table 2) are presented. For each system the tables give four identifier numbers (the Hipparcos Catalog number, the name or the number from other catalogs, the discoverer designation, and the Washington Double Star Catalog coordinates, J2000.0). The identifier numbers are followed by the observation date as a fraction of the Besselian year, the measured position angle in degrees and its error , the measured angular distance in milliarcseconds (mas) and its error , the observed magnitudes difference m and its uncertainty m , the center wavelength of the filter used to make the observation (nm), and the FWHM of the filter passband . For triple stars, Table 2


BALEGA et al.

presents also the designations of the subsystems. The measured distances between the components of the systems range from 23 mas for 1 Ori C to 1622 mas for HIP 103810. The separation accuracy depends on many parameters; first of all, on the atmospheric conditions. For the majority of measurements, it is equal to 2­3 mas; however, for the most wide pairs with a separation of >1 , the error may reach 6­8 mas. The errors of the position angle measurements are 0.3 ­ 1.0 . Comments on the measurements of individual stars are given in the next section. It is known that in speckle interferometry, the ensemble average modulus of the Fourier transform of a series of speckle images defines the position angles of binary stars with a ±180 ambiguity. To avoid this uncertainty, it is necessary to reconstruct not only the modulus but also the phase of the observed source [7, 8]. This requires a large number of additional com-

putations. In binary star speckle interferometry, we solve the problem of position angles using a simple approach proposed by Walker [9]. In this method we calculate the modulus of the Fourier transform of the product of the speckle interferograms and an exponential in addition to the measured modulus of the Fourier transform. From the measurements of the two moduli the location of the complex zeros of the analytical continuation of the Fourier transform of the unknown image can be found and the true image of a binary reconstructed. Problems arise when the components of a binary have similar magnitudes or when the differential speckle photometry of the pair is seriously noise-limited. The measurements with the ±180 ambiguity are marked with asterisks in Table 1.

Table 1. Double star measurements HIP No. 68 201 689 823 1055 1987 2532 3361 3669 4267 BD+19 20 HD 2057 HD 2893 BD+12 81 BD+42 170 ADS 746 Name/ Catalog No. BD+16 5027 HD 225000 HD 375 Discoverer designation BAG 18 HDS 2 HDS 17 HDS 23 HDS 29 HDS 56 HDS 71 HDS 93 HDS 102 STT 20 Coord. 2000.0 00008+1659 00026+1841 00085+3456 00101+3825 00132+2023 00252+4803 00321-1218 00428+1249 00469+4339 00546+1911 Epoch 2004.0+ .8318 .8372 .8237 .8237 .8238 .8265 .8342 .8211 .8320 .8212 .8212 .8212 .8237 .8237 .8237 .8237 4809 4849 5531 5674 5952 HD 6009 GJ 3071 HD 6840 HD 7169 HD 7640 HDS 134 HDS 135 HDS 155 HDS 160 HDS 169 01017+2518 01024+0504 01108+6747 01129+5136 01166+1831 .8154 .8155 .8155 .8373 .8238 22.3 ,deg , , m

/, nm

mas mas 0.3 560 80 64 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 4

2.68 0.04 800/110 2.34 0.05 545/30 0.20 0.04 600/30 0.00 0.21 800/110 1.11 0.06 800/110 545/30 0.41 0.10 545/30 1.44 0.03 600/30 1.06 0.03 800/110 1.05 0.05 545/30 1.05 0.05 600/30 0.99 0.05 850/75 1.00 0.05 545/30 0.98 0.05 600/30 0.80 0.05 800/110 0.83 0.05 850/75 0.21 0.04 600/30 1.68 0.03 600/30 0.71 0.02 545/30 2.00 0.02 545/30 3.32 0.17 600/30
Vol. 62 No. 4 2007

123.3 1.0 347.9 0.5

91.7 1.18 72 169.0 0.3 664 149.0 1.1 238 153.7 0.4 292 71.3 0.3 247

125.6 0.6 152 188.0 0.4 540 188.0 0.4 539 187.7 0.4 540 188.5 0.4 544 188.5 0.4 542 188.4 0.4 540 188.3 0.4 539 318.8 0.3 89

135.3 0.3 275 159.6 0.3 116 54.6 0.4 181

247.9 0.4 639


SPECKLE INTERFEROMETRY OF NEARBY MULTIPLE STARS. IV. MEASUREMENTS... Table 1. (Contd.) HIP No. 6060 Name/ Catalog No. ADS 1040 Discoverer designation STF 102 Coord. 2000.0 01178+4901 Epoch 2004.0+ .8265 .8265 7338 7397 10022 HD 13102 10414 10660 HD 13865 11253 HD 14874 11352 HD 15013 11474 HR 719 HDS 211 HDS 213 01345+7804 01463+4059 .8156 .8239 .8374 .8212 .8374 .8239 .8157 .8213 .8213 .8213 .8239 .8239 .8240 12495 ADS 2018 Aa 12552 HD 16656 13308 ADS 2165 14075 HD 18774 14230 HD 18940 CHR 208 02407+6117 .8264 .8374 .8264 .8157 .8157 .8266 14669 GJ 125 14864 GJ 3206 14929 HD 19895 15309 ADS 2436 HDS 404 HDS 407 HDS 408 STT 52 03095+4544 03119+6131 03125+1857 03175+6540 .8213 .8214 .8158 .8156 .8156 .8156 15737 63 Ari 16025 HD 21183 18089 31 Tau HDS 423 HDS 430 KUI 15 03228+2045 03264+3520 03519+0633 .8267 .8158 .8159 .8159 .8159 .8267




, m


/, nm

mas mas 273.3 0.4 475 273.9 0.6 474 245.2 0.8 279 202.0 0.4 30.2 38.9 80 3 5 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2

0.83 0.13 545/30 0.47 0.37 800/110 2.17 0.06 800/110 0.00 0.13 545/30 0.00 0.25 545/30 1.32 0.05 800/110 2.73 0.09 545/30 2.68 0.05 545/30 0.00 0.17 600/30 0.25 0.04 545/30 0.23 0.02 545/30 0.18 0.02 800/110 0.25 0.25 545/30 0.23 0.04 600/30 0.00 0.18 800/110 545/30 0.65 0.06 545/30 545/30 0.00 0.17 800/110 1.73 0.06 545/30 545/30 1.59 0.05 800/110 1.51 0.03 800/110 0.00 0.36 545/30 0.45 0.05 545/30 0.48 0.03 600/30 0.33 0.09 800/110 3.36 0.12 700/30 1.76 0.03 545/30 0.31 0.05 545/30 0.37 0.09 600/30 0.47 0.06 800/110 545/30

COU 1067 02090+3540 HDS 297 HDS 302 HDS 314 HDS 318 KUI 8 02142+0909 02172+5838 02249+3039 02262+3428 02280+0158

0.5 196 0.5 383

243.7 0.5 392 276.9 0.3 372 185.4 0.4 124 37.3 37.2 37.4 37.6 37.6 37.5 0.3 502 0.3 501 0.3 505 0.3 504 0.3 504 0.3 505

269.2 0.7 289 65.0 0.7 135 297.7 0.5 317 166.2 0.4 162 23.1 23.8 0.5 1.7 76 73 83

COU 1511 02415+4053 BU 1316 HDS 385 HDS 389 02512+6023 03014+0615 03035+2304

240.5 0.3

156.3 0.3 600 122.0 1.6 59.1 59.6 59.8 26

0.4 485 0.4 484 0.4 484

292.9 0.5 416 244.2 0.4 279 207.0 0.4 757 207.2 0.4 757 207.2 0.4 758 207.3 0.4 758


BALEGA et al. Table 1. (Contd.) HIP No. Name/ Catalog No. Discoverer designation Coord. 2000.0 Epoch 2004.0+ .8267 .8267 .8267 .8268 18370 HD 24431 18856 BD+06 620 HD 25811 19206 HD 26040 19270 SZ Cam HDS 494 HDS 510 BAG 4 HDS 521 CHR 209 03556+5238 04025+0638 04063+1952 040700-1000 04078+6220 .8266 .8214 .8158 .8240 .8216 .8266 19472 HD 285465 19591 HD 284163 20553 HD 27836 20777 DF Tau 20895 HD 283646 21280 HD 285931 21762 HD 29608 21881 94 Tau 22550 ADS 3475 HEI 35 CHR 14 HDS 564 THB 1 HDS 576 CHR 17 CHR 154 MCA 16 BU 883 04102+1722 04119+2338 04242+1445 04270+2542 04287+2613 04340+1510 04404+1631 04422+2257 04512+1104 .8241 .8214 .8159 .8215 .8241 .8160 .8242 .8242 .8241 .8241 23699 HD 32641 STT 97 05056+2304 .8161 .8161 .8162 .8216 .8216 .8216 .8244 .8244 .8245 23772 HD 240622 25499 115 Tau 25565 IU Aur 25733 ADS 4072 HDS 666 MCA 19 HDS 721 HU 217 05066+2630 05272+1758 05279+3447 05297+3523 .8268 .8269 .8268 .8268 ,deg , , m

/, nm 600/30 700/30 850/75 800/110 545/30

mas mas 207.5 0.4 758 207.4 0.4 758 207.6 0.5 758 207.6 0.4 758 177.7 0.4 723 150.3 0.7 229.0 0.9 77 74 2 2 4 2 5 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 2 4 3

0.28 0.05 800/110 0.24 0.27 545/30 1.39 0.02 545/30 0.95 0.02 545/30 545/30 1.29 0.04 600/30 1.24 0.02 800/110 2.24 0.04 800/110 0.60 0.03 800/110 0.18 0.14 800/110 1.05 0.04 800/110 1.35 0.03 800/110 2.48 0.02 545/30 0.00 0.11 545/30 0.33 0.05 800/110 1.34 0.08 545/30 1.32 0.04 800/110 1.40 0.09 600/30 1.16 0.02 545/30 1.20 0.02 600/30 1.15 0.02 850/75 1.47 0.02 545/30 1.48 0.02 600/30 1.39 0.02 800/110 800/110 0.95 0.02 545/30 545/30 1.70 0.11 545/30
Vol. 62 No. 4 2007

350.5 0.3 234 115.6 0.3 115.9 1.9 75 74

343.4 0.3 323 5.7 0.3 280

247.2 0.4 302 247.1 0.5 108 140.4 0.5 147 271.1 0.4 192 44.2 44.0 55.6 56.0 0.3 226 0.3 303 0.3 0.4 96 97

149.5 0.4 356 149.4 0.4 358 149.4 0.5 357 149.6 0.4 354 149.5 0.4 354 149.4 0.4 357 149.2 0.4 355 149.1 0.4 356 149.1 0.4 356 207.4 1.6 169 94.7 0.4 88 49.4 1.4 141 253.9 0.4 604


SPECKLE INTERFEROMETRY OF NEARBY MULTIPLE STARS. IV. MEASUREMENTS... Table 1. (Contd.) HIP No. Name/ Catalog No. Discoverer designation PTR 1 Coord. 2000.0 05353-0523 Epoch 2004.0+ .8161 .8215 26221 1 Ori C 29269 HD 39861 WGT 1 HDS 841 05353-0523 06102+8131 06221+5922 .8216 .8270 .8270 .8270 .8271 30920 GJ 234 32132 BD+40 1685 32313 GJ 2050 33142 GJ 3412 35457 HD 56099 38619 39261 53 Cam 39402 B 2601 HDS 930 BAG 22 HEI 334 06294-0249 06426+3955 06448+7153 06541+6052 .8217 .8244 .8271 .8271 .8272 .8272 .8243 .8243 .8272 46199 HD 81105 HDS 1353 09252+4606 19159+2727 .8244 .8231 .8231 .8231 .8231 .8258 .8258 .8259 95178 HD 183678 95413 CH Cyg HDS 2740 19218+7708 19246+5014 .8261 .8151 .8152 95995 GJ 762.1 96339 GJ 4114 A 96656 GJ 765.2 MCA 56 BAG 27 MLR 224 19311+5835 19351+0828 19391+7625 19490+1909 .8150 .8232 .8150 .8149 .8149 .8149




, m


/, nm

mas mas 0.3 0.9 1.6 203 0.8 205 23 2 3 2 5 2 3 2 3 2 7 3 2 6 2 2 3 2 2 2 2

26220 1 Ori A

2.66 0.13 800/110 4.14 0.16 545/30 1.06 0.11 545/30 800/110 700/30 800/110 545/30 2.77 0.03 800/110 0.00 0.18 545/30 800/110 800/110 0.00 0.23 545/30 800/110 1.41 0.02 545/30 0.00 0.16 800/110 800/110 2.48 0.03 600/30 0.27 0.20 545/30 0.36 0.10 600/30 0.27 0.07 800/110 0.32 0.06 850/75

189.8 2.4

197.5 0.5 654 143.1 0.3 657 143.7 0.3 657 143.2 0.3 660 37.1 0.3 1359 88 20.4 0.6

30272 ADS 4950 AB STF 881

69.1 0.7 545 186.3 0.8 187 16.8 0.4 130 178.5 0.5 688 305.3 0.7 90

HDS 1018 07192+5908 HDS 1123 07545+6008 MCA 33 08017+6019

HDS 1149 08033+5251

207.3 0.3 265 208.1 0.6 266 153.7 0.3 361 160.4 0.3 881 160.3 0.3 881 160.1 0.3 881 160.1 0.3 882 160.5 0.3 882 160.3 0.3 881 160.1 0.3 883 2.0 24.1 24.6 75.0 3.8 0.3 333 2.1 3.5 43 41

94679 ADS 12239 AB STT 371

2 2 2 5 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2

545/30 600/30 800/110 800/110 2.03 0.04 545/30 2.20 0.11 600/30 0.29 0.03 600/30 0.17 0.06 800/110 0.59 0.03 600/30 0.39 0.05 545/30 0.43 0.02 600/30 0.38 0.06 800/110

0.3 110 0.3 284 82 74 74 74

126.7 0.6 28.4 28.1 28.3 0.4 0.4 0.6

97496 ADS 12973 AB AGC 11


BALEGA et al. Table 1. (Contd.) HIP No. Name/ Catalog No. Discoverer designation MCA 60 Coord. 2000.0 20158+2749 Epoch 2004.0+ .8259 .8260 .8260 .8260 .8152 .8152 .8152 .8234 .8234 .8234 .8316 .8317 .8317 .8342 .8369 .8369 104075 TV Equ 104565 GJ 4182 105187 BD+65 1572 HDS 3004 21051+0757 BAG 29 21109+2925 .8233 .8233 .8317 .8151 .8151 .8234 .8235 105438 ADS 14894 105947 HD 204236 106059 HD 204827 STT 435 21214+0253 .8318 .8152 .8261 .8261 106886 ADS 15184 Aa MIU 2 21390+5729 .8262 .8262 108842 HD 209421 109281 HD 210211 109951 HD 211276 112695 HD 216027 HDS 3129 22029+1547 HDS 3145 22083+2409 HDS 3158 22161-0705 HDS 3241 22493+1517 .8370 .8153 .8152 .8207 327.8 1.3 356.5 0.8 139.5 1.9 ,deg , , m

/, nm

mas mas 91 70 86 2 2 3 2 6 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 8 6 6 3 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3

99874 HR 7744 101181 HD 195397 102357 GJ 804 103502 103810 ADS 14575

2.92 0.11 850/75 0.61 0.06 545/30 800/110 1.04 0.11 800/110 545/30 600/30 800/110 545/30 600/30 800/110 545/30 700/30 800/110 545/30 700/30 800/110 3.87 0.10 545/30 0.43 0.05 800/110 800/110 1.64 0.02 545/30 3.28 0.13 800/110 1.64 0.02 545/30 3.45 0.15 850/75 0.55 0.07 800/110 1.47 0.03 545/30 0.88 0.04 545/30 0.92 0.03 700/30 1.38 0.02 545/30 1.44 0.03 700/30 0.51 0.04 545/30 0.50 0.02 545/30 1.88 0.03 545/30 2.24 0.08 545/30
Vol. 62 No. 4 2007

HDS 2932 20306+1349 CAR 2 20444+1945

HDS 2989 20582+4011 STF 2751 21022+5640

148.5 0.5 241 354.3 1.3 1617 353.6 1.3 1619 354.8 1.3 1622 354.4 1.3 1617 354.9 1.3 1619 354.8 1.3 1621 354.5 1.3 1615 354.7 1.3 1620 354.6 1.3 1622 355.2 1.3 1621 355.2 1.3 1618 356.0 1.3 1616 3.6 0.6 252

210.3 0.4 126 143.9 0.3 737 122.8 0.5 117 121.9 1.2 115 122.5 0.3 117 122.0 1.7 114 236.5 0.3 679 127.5 0.3 195 181.3 0.9 181.8 0.7 234.2 0.5 93 93 99

HDS 3032 21185+6613 21193+5837

105259 ADS 14864 Aa BAG 9

HDS 3053 21274-0701 HDS 3058 21290+5844

233.9 0.6 100 226.0 1.0 38

273.1 0.3 126 92.5 0.3 357 64

302.1 2.0


SPECKLE INTERFEROMETRY OF NEARBY MULTIPLE STARS. IV. MEASUREMENTS... Table 1. (Contd.) HIP No. Name/ Catalog No. Discoverer designation Coord. 2000.0 Epoch 2004.0+ .8342 112970 HD 216606 113852 HR 8778 114444 HD 218793 114922 GJ 893.4 HDS 3247 22527+6759 HDS 3285 23034+5834 HDS 3302 23107+0947 HDS 3316 23167+1937 .8371 .8317 .8318 .8153 .8208 114927 BD+33 4679 HDS 3315 23167+3441 23260+2742 .8208 .8154 .8154 .8154 .8207 .8207 .8207 .8207 .8372 .8372 .8372 116259 GJ 9830 116294 HD 221630 116310 ADS 16836 116810 118212 GJ 913 118287 ADS 17151 A 1498 HDS 3356 23334+4251 HDS 3357 23338-0508 BU 720 23340+3120 .8236 .8371 .8236 .8209 .8210 .8209 .8209 .8209 .8373 .8373 303.6 1.7 ,deg , , m


/, nm

mas mas 63 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2

2.20 0.06 545/30 3.52 0.06 545/30 3.29 0.04 545/30 1.80 0.02 545/30 0.15 0.17 800/110 0.00 0.16 800/110 0.34 0.06 800/110 0.00 0.30 545/30 0.37 0.03 600/30 0.76 0.02 800/110 0.00 0.30 545/30 0.34 0.05 600/30 0.79 0.02 800/110 0.91 0.04 850/75 0.00 0.30 545/30 0.64 0.03 700/30 0.76 0.02 800/110 2.45 0.03 545/30 2.02 0.08 545/30 0.38 0.04 600/30 1.75 0.04 800/110 1.36 0.03 850/75 0.12 0.06 545/30 0.54 0.02 600/30 1.11 0.07 800/110 0.00 0.20 545/30 0.76 0.05 700/30

324.0 0.6 169 127.8 0.3 400 328.9 0.3 352 275.3 0.5 126 275.2 0.3 126 211.7 0.4 195 223.0 0.4 521 223.3 0.4 519 223.1 0.4 517 222.8 0.4 517 223.3 0.4 517 223.5 0.4 518 223.3 0.4 517 222.7 0.4 520 223.3 0.4 519 223.3 0.4 517 152.1 0.6 77.7 97.3 99

115666 ADS 16748 AB HO 489

0.3 690 0.3 550

HDS 3363 23405+2959 23587+4644 23595+5441

240.3 0.3 869 74.2 87.7 87.5 87.2 87.6 87.2 0.9 62

0.3 375 0.3 374 0.3 374 0.3 376 0.4 376

The differential measurements of magnitude differences m between the components were performed concurrently with the position measurements of the major part of the studied stars. In Tables 1 and 2 we give 142 m values for binaries and 12 measurements for triples in different bands. The uncertainty of the m estimates varies from 0.02 to 0.37 magnitudes. Photometric measurements are

more sensitive to seeing conditions than astrometric; therefore, m could not be derived with a seeing worth than 2 . The main problem of differential speckle photometry with the bad seeing is that the star partially falls outside the detector's window (3 ). The same difficulties arise during observations of wide pairs with >1 . An example is GJ 234, whose measurements of m are marked with asterisks and


BALEGA et al. Table 2. Triple star measurements HIP No. 5245 Name/ Discoverer Coord. 2000.0 01071-0036 Epoch Comp. ,deg , 2004.0+ .8155 AB AC 20396+0458 .8232 AB AC BC 111805 ADS 16138 HO 295 BAG 15 22388+4419 .8235 AB AC BC 112170 ADS 16214 STT 476 22431+4710 .8235 AB AC HU 91 116384 GJ 900 MEL 9 23350+0136 .8208 BC AB AC 116726 ADS 16904 A 643 23393+4543 .8154 AB AC CHR 149 BC , m /, nm


Catalog No. designation HD 6639 HDS 144 BAG 12

mas mas

224.7 0.4 233 2 1.75 0.04 800/110 167.5 1.5 1223 6 307.1 0.3 322 2 1.26 0.05 600/30 105.2 0.4 164 2 1.44 0.04 119.8 0.3 479 2 0.18 0.07 153.8 0.3 314 2 162.2 10.5 25 5 545/30

101955 GJ 795

KUI 99 BAG 14

153.1 1.0 290 5 119.6 0.3 492 2 0.35 0.05 545/30 130.7 0.4 502 3 1.20 0.05 209.1 1.5 97 3 0.86 0.05

335.7 0.3 610 2 2.56 0.06 800/110 345.7 0.4 722 4 3.18 0.22 138.9 0.3 250 2 0.11 0.02 545/30 143.8 0.5 216 2 0.98 0.03 291.6 3.1 39 3 0.86 0.02

probably overestimated because the frame window cuts the speckle images. So far, 12 orbits for new Hipparcos binaries have been published based on speckle interferometry with the BTA telescope [10, 11]. Using the 2004 observations and the newest 2006 measurements, we can derive orbital parameters for two more Hipparcos binaries: HIP 109281 and HIP 116259. The method of orbit computation is described in our previous paper [10]. New relative orbits of the systems are plotted in fig. 1 and 2, and short comments on the orbits are given in the next section. 3. COMMENTS ON INDIVIDUAL STARS HIP 5245 (see Table 1). The faint tertiary component (Bag 12) in this K0 system was first found in the K band with the BTA 6 m telescope in 1999 [3]. It turned out to be 3 magnitudes fainter than the main component. A very weak sign of the component at a distance of 1.2 from the A star was seen through the 800/110 nm filter in the 2004 observations. Its magnitude could not be estimated because of the noise in the power spectrum.

HIP 7338. Nine interferometric observations and one Hipparcos measurement of this pair of red dwarfs allowed us to confidently define half of its relative motion ellipse. The resulting orbit, with a period of 23 yrs, and the semimajor axis of a=0.20 under Hp =28.7 mas gives a mass-sum of the system of 0.7 M . However, the discrepancies between the measurements and the calculated positions are still very high. It is possible that the first Hipparcos observation had a large error, which may be explained by the faintness of the companion (magnitude fainter than 13.5). It will probably take a few more years to define the reliable orbit for the pair. Our differential photometry carried out after 1999 shows that at 800 nm the magnitude difference between the components is 2.2±0.1m . Based on the parallax value Hp =28.7 mas, the integral visible magnitude mV =10.64, and the color index V ­ I =1.35 in the Cousins system [2], we derived the absolute I magnitude of the secondary as IB =9.0. This corresponds to the M5 spectral type. The specified differential photometry of the pair suggests a lower temperature of the secondary compared to that proposed in the first paper of the series [3].

HIP 109281
HIP 116259


Fig. 1. Apparent ellipse representing the orbital elements for HIP 109281. The BTA speckle interferometric data are indicated by filled circles, the speckle interferometric measurements performed by Horch et al. are shown by open circles, and the Hipparcos measurement is shown as an open triangle. Residual vectors for all measurements are plotted, but in some cases they are smaller than the points themselves. The orbital motion direction is indicated by an arrow. The solid line shows the periastron position, while the dash-and-dot line represents the line of nodes. The dashed circle around the position of the primary has an angular radius of 0.02 corresponding to the diffraction limit of the 6 m telescope in the V band. North is up and east is to the left.

Fig. 2. Apparent ellipse representing the orbital elements for HIP 116259.

HIP 39402. This is another system of M dwarfs at a distance of 31 pc from the Sun. Possibly, its orbital period is 26 yrs and the semimajor axis is 0.28 . However, the scattering of speckle data is abnormally large under this solution. We do not exclude that the significant deviations of the measurements are caused by the presence of a third star in the system, as mentioned in our 1999 observations [4]. HIP 95413 = CH Cyg. A symbiotic system with the M6 giant main component resolved for the first time. Presently, a generally accepted model of the system does not exist; and there is no explanation for the nature of the star's activity. Most researchers suggest a triple model for CH Cyg: the M6III giant and a white dwarf form the inner orbit with a period of 756 days, while the third component moves in the outer orbit with a period of 14.5 yrs. The tertiary star could be a G-K dwarf or a giant [12­14]. However, the photometric and spectroscopic variability of the star can also be satisfactorily interpreted by a binary model [15, 16]. Detailed analysis of the model limitations from the speckle observations will be made in a separate paper. Here we draw attention to only two important details. First, at a distance of 270 pc [17], the discovered companion can only be connected with the long-period orbit in the system. Second, the posiASTROPHYSICAL BULLETIN Vol. 62 No. 4 2007

tion angle of the pair (25 ) is almost perpendicular to the extended nebulosity (position angle 165 ) discovered in UV continuum, [OIII] and Balmer lines with the HST WFPC2 [18]. HIP 99874 = 23 Vul = MCA 60. The main component of this pair is a K3-type giant. A faint companion (m=2.92 in the I band) is moving with acceleration in the direction of the main star in a highly inclined orbit. The pair was also observed with the BTA 6 m telescope in 2002. However, the results were never published because of bad weather conditions during the observations: 2002.7980, =326.8 , =156 mas. The quadrants of all speckle observations collected in the 4th Catalog of Interferometric Measurements of Binary Stars [19] have to be changed by 180 . The third star in the system, CHR 94, has never been detected in our observations. HIP 109281. The elements of the interferometric orbit can now be derived for this pair of evolved stars using 13 speckle measurements with the BTA 6 m telescope and the WIYN 3.5 m telescope [20], and using the first measurements by Hipparcos: P = 10.736±0.078 yrs, T = 1997.812±0.025, e = 0.518±0.010, a = 0.095±0.001 , i = 151.2±2.2 , = 50.4±3.2 , = 292.5±3.2 . Note that one new measurement with the 6 m telescope made in 2006 was used to calculate the


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parameters (not included in Table 1). The list of position measurements, together with the deviations from calculated values, is presented in Table 4. The graphical presentation of the orbit is shown in fig. 1. With the Hipparcos parallax value Hp =12.65±0.79 mas [2], the mass-sum of the binary is M=3.2±0.6 M (accuracy 19%). HIP 111805 = Bag 15 (see Table 2). A close companion of the main star in the triple system is resolved marginally. Nevertheless, despite the significant error of the measurement, we decided to include its and values in Table 2. The pair (G2V+K1V, P=551 d) was discovered spectroscopically by Duquennoy [21] and later resolved by speckle interferometry at the BTA telescope [3]. HIP 116259. The system with the G2 and K4 components [3] belongs to the old population of the Galaxy [22]. 11 interferometric measurements in the period from 1998 through 2006 allowed the determination of the visible ellipse of the system's motion and the orbital parameters: P = 15.70±0.23 yrs, T = 2005.49±0.01, e = 0.536±0.007, a = 0.220±0.002 , i = 75.1±0.4 , = 141.5±0.3 , = 89.5±0.8 . The deviations of the measurements from the computed values are given in Table 5. The first measurement by Hipparcos was not taken into account in the calculations. In addition to the data from Table 1, we have made use of the newest measurement made at the BTA 6 m telescope in 2006. The ellipse of the interferometric orbit is shown in fig. 2. The total mass of HIP 116259 is M=1.56±0.18 M (accuracy 12%) under Hp =30.24 mas [2]. As for all Hipparcos new binaries, the parallax error plays a definitive role in the total error of the mass estimate, but not the orbital elements. The spectroscopic orbit of the pair [23] has similar characteristics. HIP 118212 = GJ 913. This nearby, Hp =58 mas [2], M-type star was included in the program as a possible binary. It is one of 1561 stars in the Hipparcos Catalog marked with an X flag, which means that only a stochastic solution for their astrometry was found. A part of these stars can be non-single objects, while the other part can be explained by the failure in data reduction. An attempt to improve the parallax of HIP 118212 and to define the character of its motion from the Hipparcos astrometry has recently been made by Goldin and Makarov [24]. Using the results of independent observation reductions by two consortia, FAST and NDAC, they calculated a new

parallax value for the star, Hp =67 mas, and defined the orbit with a period of 885 days. We first resolved a faint (m=1.4 in the I band) close (=62 mas) companion of HIP 118212 with the BTA 6 m telescope in the 850/75 nm filter. Our measurement does not fit the calculated position on the orbit of Goldin and Makarov [24]. The reason for this discrepancy--a new companion or the wrong orbit-- can be established in the immediate future using new speckle observations of this presumably fast-moving pair. 4. UNRESOLVED OBJECTS A total of 26 objects were not resolved in the course of the observations. They are listed in Table 3. Due to the marginal weather conditions, some of the binaries with a limiting magnitude difference for speckle interferometry (around 3.5 magnitudes) were not resolved. One example of such a system is HIP 97579, with a remote companion (=687 mas, m=3.46) given in the Hipparcos Catalog. The power spectrum of this pair can be traced up to the limiting frequency of the telescope, but its noisiness could be the reason why the secondary was not detected. Another unresolved star HIP19270=ADS2984A isasouthern component of thewidevisual pair. It was observed under poor seeing conditions as a reference source for its northern neighbor ADS 2984 B, which is known as SZ Cam--a distant occultation binary with early-type massive components. One more unresolved star, HIP 97607 = CHR 89 of B2IVe spectral type, appeared in the lists of new binaries after speckle observations with the CFHT 3.6 m telescope in 1985 [25]. Another observation of the star was obtained in the same year by the same authors using the MAYAL 3.8 m telescope at Kitt Peak [26]. However, neither the Hipparcos observations nor the following BTA speckle interferometry confirmed the duplicity. Despite the poor seeing conditions, our observations in 2004 allowed us to study the power spectrum up to the highest spatial frequencies. We do not exclude the possibility that the pair will prove to be a short-period system (P50 yr), which is presently unresolved. The history of speckle observations of HIP 98538 = CHR 118 is similar to the history of the previous star CHR 89. After the only measurement in 1985 [27], the companion has never been observed again. Note that the confirmation of the binary nature of the CH star CHR 118 is of great importance for the explanation of the properties of this rare stellar type. Following the accurate orbit of the spectroscopic and interferometric binary HIP 101382 = HD 195987

HIP No. 916 1092 1295 1475 1860 3362 7765 7981 16445 19270 20222 31635 36834 97579 97607 98538 GJ 239 GJ 277.1 HDS 2823 HR 7554 HD 189711 GJ 15 A GJ 1010 A GJ 29.1 ADS 1307 B HR 493 GJ 143.3 ADS 2984 A Other catalog No. GJ 3012 GJ 3015 B Coord. 2000.0 00114+5821 00136+8040 00162+1952 00184+4401 00235+7711 00428+3533 01399+1516 01425+2016 03318+1419 04078+6220 04200+3629 06372+1734 07345+6256 19500+3158 19503+0754 20011+0931 20329+4154 20502+2923 20551+1311 Epoch /, 2004.0+ nm .8210 .8210 .8211 .8236 .8211 .8320 .8238 .8238 .8214 .8266 .8243 .8217 .8271 .8232 .8259 .8259 .8260 .8233 .8233 .8262 .8262 21584+7535 22468+4420 23169+0542 23531+2901 23533+5957 .8235 .8319 .8208 .8236 .8210 .8318 850/75 800/110 X X Note Epoch , , (O - C ) , (O - C ) , Reference deg -1.2 0.3 0.1 -0.1 -0.6 0.1 0.2 0.2 -0.5 -0.2 -0.1 0.5 0.4 0.0 mas -3 1 -4 1 -3 -10 -1 4 1 3 3 -1 0 0 [2] [3] [3] [4] [20] [20] [5] This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper


Table 4. Position parameters and residuals of the measurements of the HIP 109281

deg mas 1991.250 311.0 119 1998.774 32.5 68

800/110 X, S 850/75 S

1999.741 356.7 86 1999.821 354.4 93 1999.885 352.1 90 2000.764 333.1 97 2000.872 331.1 108 2002.736 301.4 131 2002.799 299.8 128

800/110 X, S 800/110 G

800/110 X, S 545/30 O

800/110 X, S 545/30 800/110 600/20 800/110 545/30 545/30 800/110 545/30 600/20 600/20 545/30 545/30 800/110 800/110 800/110 S S S X, S X S S

2003.927 284.8 132 2003.927 284.9 132 2004.815 273.2 125 2004.815 273.1 126 2006.690 239.4 96

101382 GJ 793.1 102851 GJ 808.2 103256 GJ 1259

106886 ADS 15184 C 21390+5729 ADS 15184 D 108467 GJ 842.2 112460 GJ 873 A 114941 GJ 4323 117779 GJ 910 117795

800/110 X, S 800/110 700/30 G S

118310 ADS 17154 A 23598+0640

= GJ 793.1 with a period of 57.3 days [28], the separation between the components in the period of the BTA observations was only 9 mas. That explains our negative result because such a separation is smaller than the diffraction limit of the 6 m aperture. Earlier, Blazit et al. [29] reported the speckle interferometric resolution of the system with the CFHT 3.6 m telescope in 1985: =170 , =30 mas. The ephemeris separation value in the period of their observation was also equal to 9 mas; therefore, the binary could not

be resolved at CFHT, which has a diffraction limit of 40 mas. In the spectroscopic binary system HIP 103256 = GJ 1259, the companion's mass is 7 times lower than the mass of the main K3V star [30]. The luminosities of a K3V star and a late red dwarf differ in the visible by 7­8 magnitudes, ruling out the possibility for speckle resolution of the components. The system ADS 15184 C,D (HIP 106886) is a member of the OB star complex. The stars were included in the program as reference sources for the triple star ADS 15184 A = MIU 2, which includes both a spectroscopic pair and a remote O companion [31]. Mason et al. [32] observed the C and D components of ADS 15184 earlier and could not detect a sign of their multiplicity. It should also be taken into account that our observations were carried out under poor seeing conditions. The nearby (Hp =39 mas) K5V star HIP 118310 = ADS 17154 Aa = Bag 31 was first resolved with the BTA 6 m telescope in 2001 with 0.2 . Three years later, the secondary was not detected despite the fact that the power spectrum was accumulated to the limiting frequencies. We conclude from this that the pair can show a fast orbital motion with a period of 10 years. In the last column of Table 3, we present flags for the Hipparcos Catalog "problem" stars with the

350 Table 5. Position parameters and residuals of the measurements of the HIP 116259 Epoch ,

BALEGA et al.

, (O - C ) , (O - C ) , Reference deg 18.9 0.4 6.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.5 -0.3 0.0 -0.3 0.2 -0.1 -0.1 mas 34 6 4 1 1 1 0 -3 -3 0 1 0 [2] [3] [20] [20] [5] [5] [5] [5] This paper This paper This paper This paper

deg mas 1991.25 341.0 195 1998.775 83.0 105 2000.617 119.6 153 2000.759 114.7 154 2000.865 115.6 157 2000.873 115.6 157 2001.761 123.5 177 2001.761 123.8 174 2002.796 130.9 185 2004.824 152.1 99 2006.690 319.3 146 2006.946 321.9 161

following astrometric solutions: G, motion with acceleration, X, stochastic solution for the photocenter motion, S, possible non-single system. Flag O stands for HIP 7981 with the computed Hipparcos astrometric orbit. Following this orbit, the binary is too close to be resolved with the 6 m telescope. As it follows from our earlier observations, up to 30­35% of the Hipparcos "problem" stars could be resolved using the speckle interferometry at the BTA 6 m telescope [5]. In the 2004 observations, only one out of six new stars in this category was resolved for the first time (HIP 118212). Other Hipparcos "problem" stars (HIP 916, 1092, 1475, 1860, 3362, 7765, 7981, 16445, 31635, 36834, 108467, 112460, 117795) still remain unresolved. 5. CONCLUSION Speckle interferometric observations of 110 binary and multiple stars were taken in 2004 October at the BTA 6 m telescope with the diffraction resolution of the aperture: 19 mas in the 545/30 nm filter, 21 mas in the 600/30 nm filter, 28 mas in the 800/110 nm filter, and 29 mas in the 850/75 nm filter. Most of the objects in the program are nearby late-type dwarfs. About half of them are new pairs discovered by the Hipparcos astrometric satellite. 197 measurements of position angles and distances between the components of multiple systems

have been collected in Tables 1 and 2. The errors of the measurements range from 0.3 to 3.1 for the position angle and from 2 to 8 mas for the angular separation. The closest among the resolved pairs is 1 Ori C with a separation between the components of 23 mas, corresponding to 83% of the limiting resolution. The widest observed pair is ADS 14575 (=1.6 ), which is a standard star for the binary star speckle interferometry. In a separate table, we give a list of 26 stars that remained unresolved in 2004. In this paper we presented 154 measurements of the brightness difference between the components of binary and multiple stars. In the last few years, this has become the standard procedure in stellar speckle interferometry and is significant for deriving the physical properties of studied stars. The symbiotic system CH Cyg and the pair of red dwarfs HIP 118212 were resolved for the first time. The observations of the binary system CH Cyg are of particular importance because up to now, there has been no satisfactory model for this nearby symbiotic star, and the nature of its activity remains unclear. Nor has it been determined whether the carbonoxygen white dwarf in the system is able to accumulate mass due to accretion from its cool companion until it approaches the Chandrasekhar limit and becomes a supernova SN Ia progenitor. Using BTA speckle interferometry, we obtained first orbits for two binaries: the CN giant system HD 210211 = HIP 109281 with a period of 10.7 yrs, and the G2V-K4V pair GJ 9830 = HIP 116259 with a period of 15.7 yrs. Their orbital elements and (O­C) deviations from the predicted positions are presented in the paper. REFERENCES
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