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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Jan 20 15:30:50 2014
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Fri Feb 28 21:15:06 2014

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: solar system
Povolzhskiy Journal of Ecology: Povolzhskiy Journal of Ecology: 2003, Issue 2
To Russian version

Povolzhskiy Journal of Ecology

2003, Issue 2


Gelashvili D.B., Basurov V.A., Rozenberg G.S., Monitchev A.Ya., Purtov I.I., Sidorenko V.V. Ecological zonation of territories in terms of preserved natural ecosystems (with the Nizhny Novgorod area as an example) 99
Damrin A.G., Solov'yova V.V., Plaxina T.I., Chibilyov A.A., Petrishchev V.P. Landscape and geobotanic features of geosystem formation in small reservoirs (with the Polyakov Reservoir as an example) 109
Zavialov E.V., Shlyakhtin G.V., Tabachishin V.G., Yakushev N.N., Lobachov Yu.Yu., Shapovalova I.B. Genesis of natural conditions and basic trends in the modern dynamics of animal habitats in the north of the Lower Volga region. Report V. Bird distribution under the natural factor dynamics of the environment (continuation) 119
Matrosov A.N., Kuznetsov A.A., Sludsky A.A., Popov N.V., Kozlova T.A., Golosovsky S.M., Manzhieva V.S., Kim T.S., Sintsov V.K., Yerofeyev A.V. Ecological peculiarities and epizootologic significance of social voles in the Caspian sandy plague focus 147
Oparin M.L., Oparina O.S. Steppe vegetation dynamics under fire 158
Tikhomirova E.I., Tikhomirova L.A., Semikhatova S.N., Yusupova Z.S. Ecologo-immunological features of Midday geebil in the Lower Volga region 172
Ageyev A.M. Influence of cosmic factors on lithosphere geodynamics (with California and Nevada as examples) 178
Eryomenko S.V. Agroecological aspects of the black earth fertility in the country between the Ural and Sakmara rivers 184
Mosiyash S.S., Shashulovsky V.A. Use of iterative modeling to predict the allowable industrial exploitation of fish populations 190
Ruchin A.B., Ryzhov M.K. Amphibians and reptiles of Mordovia: an ecological and faunistic survey 195
Tabachishin V.G., Zavialov E.V. Forest-steppe Viper distribution in the south of the Podolsk height 202
Gleb I. Khudyakov. 75-th Anniversary 204

2003, Issue 2

Ecological zonation of territories in terms of preserved natural ecosystems (with the Nizhny Novgorod area as an example). – Gelashvili D.B., Basurov V.A., Rozenberg G.S., Monitchev A.Ya., Purtov I.I., Sidorenko V.V. – The level of the anthropogenic burden on the administration districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region has been estimated. In terms of ecological rate setting and basic factors damaging the environment, a set of basic and derivative indices to describe the state of socioecologoeconomic systems is proposed. An algorithm for calculating the integral index of anthropogenic burden (with due account of the territories non-disturbed and disturbed by economical activity) has been designed and substantiated. Zoning and mapping the region's territory were carried out on the basis of univariate and multivariate statistical data analysis.

Key words: ecological zonation, anthropogenic burden, multivariate statistical analysis.

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Landscape and geobotanic features of geosystem formation in small reservoirs (with the Polyakov Reservoir as an example). – Damrin A.G., Solov'yova V.V., Plaxina T.I., Chibilyov A.A., Petrishchev V.P. – The regularities of vegetation formation in the Polyakov reservoir (the Samara region, Russia) and related succession processes were studied. As a result of our geobotanic investigations, 58 species of higher plants (angiosperms) and one species of Charah alga were revealed. The ecological spectrum of the flora comprises hydrophitae (22.4%), helophytae and hygrohelophytae (25.8%), hygrophytae and mesohygrophytae (48.4%), mesophytae (3.4%). A dynamic equilibrium is noted for the flora of the Polyakov reservoir. Our observation of the vegetation dynamics during different stages of the reservoir history has enabled us to give a substantiated forecast of the ecosystem's development, to determine the normal exploitation period, and to plan reconstruction of the reservoir.

Key words: vegetation, plant association, flora, phytocenosis, succession, ecosystem, Polyakov reservoir.

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Genesis of natural conditions and basic trends in the modern dynamics of animal habitats in the north of the Lower Volga region. Report V. Bird distribution under the natural factor dynamics of the environment. – Zavialov E.V., Shlyakhtin G.V., Tabachishin V.G., Yakushev N.N., Lobachov Yu.Yu., Shapovalova I.B. – Problems of the bird distribution dynamics in the north of the Lower Volga region under the influence of natural environmental factors and in the course of evolutionally-caused historical processes are discussed. Several groups of species with different types of the habitat dynamics have been resolved. The cyclic oscillation trends of certain abiotic factors affecting the evolution of the birds, the water level of the Caspian sea and other reservoirs, dominating climatic trends of different scales, the dynamics of sacrifice abundance or bird asylum suppliers etc. are considered as the principal factors affecting the bird distribution.

Key words: birds, habitat dynamics, abiotic factors, natural cycles, relics, Lower Volga region.

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Ecological peculiarities and epizootologic significance of Social voles in the Caspian sandy plague focus. – Matrosov A.N., Kuznetsov A.A., Sludsky A.A., Popov N.V., Kozlova T.A., Golosovsky S.M., Manzhieva V.S., Kim T.S., Sintsov V.K., Yerofeyev A.V. – By the spring of 2001, a sharp increase in the number of Social voles (Microtus socialis) was observed in the south of the Kalmyk Republic and on the right bank of the Volga river, in the territory of the Astrakhan region, that form part of the Caspian sandy plague focus, with an average population density reaching 11.1 animals per ha. Being rare enough in the past, the species has become quite numerous or even dominating in the multi-species rodent communities of some sectors. Five plague agent strains were resolved on this background in the habitats of these rodents from January till May, 2001. Such an active involvement of the Social vole into epizootics had never been observed before. However, our thorough study of the present status of the epizootologic situation with the Social vole has shown it to remain but an occasional plague-infection carrier in this region.

Key words: Social voles, plague focus, epizootia, Caspian lowland.

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Steppe vegetation dynamics under fire. – Oparin M.L., Oparina O.S. – The vegetation dynamics of various steppes under the influence of fire is described. Both the domestic and foreign literature of the XX century has been analyzed. The absence of any regular studies of the fire influence on the flora of the Eurasian steppes and the existence of the corresponding comprehensive studies for the North American prairies are noted. The necessity of carrying out a comprehensive research of the fire effect on the biota of the Eurasian steppes is justified in view of the problem of the preservation of steppe biodiversity and biological resources.

Key words: steppe, vegetation, dynamics, fire.

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Ecologo-immunological features of Midday geebil in the Lower Volga region. – Tikhomirova E.I., Tikhomirova L.A., Semikhatova S.N., Yusupova Z.S. – Two subspecies of Midday geebil, namely, Meriones meridianus meridianus Pall. and Meriones meridianus nogaiorum Hepth., were investigated for their morphological peculiarities, functional activity and maturity of thymus lymphocytes, spleen lymphocytes, lymph nodes and blood. The pattern of the lymphocyte distribution (from their electrophoretic mobility) is shown to differ for Meriones meridianus from different habitats characterized by various infection sensitivities. The differences in the immune resistance of the subspecies under study have been found to be caused by the differentiation mechanisms of mature lymphocyte forms and different degrees of their functional activity.

Key words: Midday geebil, Meriones meridianus, lymphocytes, electrophoretic activity, functional activity, resistance.

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Influence of cosmic factors on lithosphere geodynamics (with California and Nevada as examples) – Ageyev A.M. – The influence of cosmic factors on the lithosphere geodynamics is considered with two American states, California and Nevada, as examples. As a result, a dependence of the regional seismic activity on the characteristics of the motion of the sun's center with reference to the solar system's centroid caused by the gravitational attraction of the big planets of the solar system has been revealed. On the basis of the data obtained the author presents a forecast of the regional seismic activity from 2003 till 2025.

Key words: geodynamics, seismic activity, centroid, planet attraction.

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Agroecological aspects of the black earth fertility in the country between the Ural and Sakmara rivers. – Eryomenko S.V. – Excessive ploughing up and over-use of the black earth in the country between the Ural and Sakmara rivers have caused a loss in some of their functions and a drop in their fertility. Data on the humus content and the humus horizon depth of the common black earth are reported. Regression models of the dependence of the spring wheat productivity on the fertilizer dose and climatic conditions have been designed in order to preserve and maintain an effective fertility of the black earth. Resolving the contributions of the said factors into the fertility will allow technological solutions for its stabilization and further rise to be sought for more successfully.

Key words: black earth, fertility, humus horizon depth, productivity, regression model, fertilizer dose.

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Use of iterative modeling to predict the allowable industrial exploitation of fish populations. – Mosiyash S.S., Shashulovsky V.A. – The possibility of using the Solution Search procedure in the Microsoft Excel software environment to predict the maximum allowable quantity of fish that can be caught for industrial purposes is shown.

Key words: fish populations, general allowable catches, modeling, iterative procedure, Microsoft Excel.

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Amphibians and reptiles of Mordovia: an ecological and faunistic survey. – Ruchin A.B., Ryzhov M.K. – A review of all the herpetological papers concerning the territory of Mordovia is given. The results of our own studies are reported. Chief trends in the number and distribution dynamics of the species are shown.

Key words: amphibians, reptiles, faunÞ, Mordovia.

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Forest-steppe Viper distribution in the south of the Podolsk height. – Tabachishin V.G., Zavialov E.V. – An unknown habitat of Forest-steppe Viper (Vipera nikolskii) was discovered near the Lesnichevka village in the Baltsk district of the Odessa region (Ukraine) in 1996 – 1999. According to the modern data, the whole habitat of Vipera nikolskii is bounded by the western edge of the Podolsk height. The northern boundary in the south-west of the Ukraine can be drawn from the frontier between the Vinnitsa and Odessa regions in latitude 48°20' (somewhat northward of the Kodyma town) towards the north-east through the Vinnitsa and Cherkassy regions to the known point by the Kaneva town.

Key words: Forest-steppe Viper, Vipera nikolskii, distribution, Podolsk height, Ukraine.

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