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List of Production Trolley FATS INT-406-VEN-0207 v0.1.doc

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MRO Delay Line

List of Production Trolley Factory Acceptance Tests

The Cambridge Delay Line Team

rev 0.1 15 April 2011

Cavendish Laboratory JJ Thomson Avenue Cambridge CB3 0HE UK

List of Production Trolley FATS INT-406-VEN-0207 v0.1.doc

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Change Record
Revision Date Author(s) Changes 0.1 2011-04-16 MF First draft ­ based on List of tests (AD02)

This document defines the list of tests to be undertaken for the factory acceptance testing of the production delay line trolley.

The list is a comprehensive suite of tests defined to show that the derived requirements are met and to the extent possible in a prototype test facility that the top-level requirements can be met in the fully operational delay line. The tests listed in this document apply only to factory acceptance testing of the production trolley though they have been derived from the test defined in AD02. These tests aim to demonstrate that the performance of the production trolley and the closed loops involving the metrology system and shear system meet requirements. The metrology system with which these test are conducted is the Zygo system and not the prototype metrology design which is proposed for MROI. The trolley passed pre-FAT tests in the lab using the Agilent metrology system designed for MROI.

Reference Documents
RD1 Results of the Risk Reduction Experiments Rev. 1.0, 6th December 2005 RD2 Top-level requirements INT-406-TSP-0002

Applicable Documents
These are other review documents for review which are directly applicable, e.g. AD01 Derived Requirements INT-406-VEN-0107 AD02 List of Tests INT-406-VEN-0108

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Acronyms and Abbreviations
BCA BCF BRS DL DLA ICD ICS Beam Combining Area Beam Combining Facility Beam Relay System Delay Line Delay Line Area Interface Control Document Interferometer Control System (now SCS) Interferometer MRAO Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory NMT New Mexico Tech OPD SCS TBC TBD Optical Path Delay Supervisory Control System To be confirmed To be determined

MROI Magdalena Ridge Observatory

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Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Grouping of Tests................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 Test conditions ..................................................................................................................... 5 1.2.1 Testing at atmosphere .................................................................................................. 5 1.2.2 Testing under vacuum conditions ................................................................................ 5 2 Test Lists ...................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Test at atmosphere ............................................................................................................... 6 2.1.1 Trolley slew tests ......................................................................................................... 6 2.1.2 Trolley tracking tests.................................................................................................... 6 2.1.3 Trolley trajectory tests ................................................................................................. 7 2.1.4 Trolley roll and shear loop tests ................................................................................... 7 2.1.5 Datum tests................................................................................................................... 8 2.1.6 Focus mechanism tests ................................................................................................. 8 2.1.7 Trolley limits tests........................................................................................................ 8 2.1.8 Vacuum integrity test ................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Tests under vacuum ............................................................................................................. 9 2.2.1 Trolley slew tests ......................................................................................................... 9 Trolley tracking tests.................................................................................................... 9 2.2.2 2.2.3 Trolley trajectory tests ................................................................................................. 9 Trolley roll and shear loop tests ................................................................................. 10 2.2.4 2.2.5 Datum tests................................................................................................................. 10

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The test list presented here is designed to show that the top level and derived requirements are met and that the performance of the system is maintained over representative observing periods. A short description of each test is given together with any specific conditions that should apply for the duration of the test. The derived requirement with which the test is associated is given in the last column of the tables. A top level requirement is identified with the letters TL followed by the section number and paragraph number. Tests are grouped into categories for convenience of referencing but this is not meant to imply any particular significance or order in testing. Most tests are conducted at a pressure <1.5 mb but substantial subset of these tests are also performed at atmospheric pressure before the test rig is pumped down. The differences between testing at atmosphere and testing under vacuum are explained below


Grouping of Tests

Tests are grouped under general categories that address some particular aspect of the requirements. These groups are: Slew tests: these test the repositioning time of the trolley, the maximum velocity and acceleration, the power consumption and trolley temperatures, and show that the metrology system maintains lock when the shear system and steering loops are closed. Tracking tests: these comprise constant velocity tests over a range of tracking velocities from 0.1mm/s to 15mm/s, sets of 10 minute long tracking tests to represent normal observation times and tracking over joins to assess the effect of the join. Trajectory tests: these test the re-positioning of a trolley from tracking at one position to tracking at another position, tracking at constant accelerations and tracking reversal and tracking offsets of 0.5µm to 10µm. Roll and shear tests: these check the operation of the shear loop, the secondary tip/tilt servo and the effect of the steering in open and closed loop. They also provide information on the deviations of the delay line pipe. Datum tests: these test the repeatability of the datum switch and the overall stability of the datum over a period of time. Focus tests: these test the resolution and stability of the cat's eye focussing system. Limit tests: these test the functionality of the limits and the characteristics of the trolley and cat's eye servos when a limit is encountered.


Test conditions

1.2.1 Testing at atmosphere
Testing at atmosphere is much more convenient than testing under vacuum conditions. Most tests that are met at atmosphere can be expected to meet the requirements under vacuum. The main difference in testing at atmosphere is that air in the pipe will be pushed about by the trolley and so servos will have to work harder and there is more coupling from the trolley to the cat's eye. On the other hand air damping is also increased. The delay line pipe is left partially open at the metrology end to allow air to flow in or out and reduce the effect on the trolley.

1.2.2 Testing under vacuum conditions
When testing under vacuum the proper metrology window end plate is installed on the delay line pipe and metrology windows are fitted. There are no science beam ports. The test rig is evacuated to approximately 0.5 mbar.

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Test Lists
Test at atmosphere

2.1.1 Trolley slew tests Test No. 1 Test Description Check velocity ramping under VME control by moving fixed distances (plus and minus): 4mm, 10mm, 20mm, 50mm 100mm 200mm 500mm 2m. Carry out a 17m slew with the maximum velocity set to +0.7m/s Carry out a 17m slew with the maximum velocity set to -0.7m/s Primary objective Test repositioning time Delay precision Check metrology lock Check metrology lock Subordinate objectives Check track/slew switching Check Check Check Check time power time power Derived/ Requirement 2.2.1 2.2.2 (TL 5.2.4) 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2

2 3

2.1.2 Trolley tracking tests Test No. 1a Test Description Test tracking at rates of (plus and minus) 0.1mm/s, 0.2mm/s, 0.4mm/s, 0.8mm/s and then 1 to 15mm/s in increments of 1mm/s. Steering loop closed. If necessary, repeat a constant velocity tracking test where steering is actuated. Continuous tracking for 10 minutes at the following velocities: 0.2mm/s, -1mm/s, +5mm/s and -10mm/s. (log in sections 120s to limit the size of log files) If necessary repeat tracking tests across joins ­ position trolley so as to cross join. Primary objective Test of OPD performance Subordinate objectives Derived Requirement (TL 5.2.6)

1b 2

Test of steering influence on OPD Test of OPD performance over typical observation time Test of performance over join

(TL 5.2.6) (TL 5.2.6)


(TL 5.2.6)

List of Production Trolley FATS INT-406-VEN-0207 v0.1.doc 2.1.3 Trolley trajectory tests Test No. 1 Test Description Primary objective Check reto acquisition of time & delay 200 precision Test of OPD performance Test of OPD performance Test offset response

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Subordinate objectives

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Test trajectory acquisition and time by switching from tracking at one position tracking at another position for a range distances e.g 4 mm, 20 mm, 100 mm, mm, 500 mm, 1 m and 10 m Test tracking at constant accelerations 0.3 ms-2, 0.625 ms-2, 1.25 ms-2. Test reversing direction while tracking with a realistic trajectory. Test response to fringe tracking offsets of 0.5µm and 1µm (also 10µm if can be rate limited)

Derived Requirement (TL 5.2.4)

(TL 5.2.6) (TL 5.2.6) (TL 5.2.11)

2.1.4 Trolley roll and shear loop tests Test No. 1 Test Description Slew the trolley for the full length of the test rig at a constant velocity of 90 mm/s With steering and tip/tilt loops closed Slew the trolley at 0.7 m/s Track the trolley at 15mm/s Slew the trolley for the full length of the test rig at a constant velocity of 90 mm/s while logging with steering loop off but centred and check roll. Operate the tip/tilt actuator between its limits in both axes and measure the resulting shear of the metrology beam using the shear sensor. Using the same results gathered in (4) obtain the slew rate of the tip/tilt device in both axes. Primary objective Check tip/tilt Subordinate Objectives Check steering performance Check shear residuals Check shear residuals Derived Requirement 2.4.1

2 3 4

Check tip/tilt range Check shear residuals Check centre position of steering Check tip/tilt range Check tip/tilt slew rate

" " "





List of Production Trolley FATS INT-406-VEN-0207 v0.1.doc 2.1.5 Datum tests Test No. 1 2 3 4 Test Description Primary objective Acquire datum 10 times from close range To check and check the deviation from zero at the datum switch instant before the reset. repeatability Acquire datum 10 times from different To check starting positions: at, near, far. Check datum deviation as for test 1 stability Acquire datum at various times through To check testing phase. Check deviation as for test 1 intra-night stability Acquire datum the following day. Check To check deviation as for test 1 inter-night stability

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Subordinate Objectives

Derived Requirement (TL 5.1.1) (TL 5.2.4) (TL 5.1.1) (TL 5.2.4) (TL 5.1.1) (TL 5.2.4) (TL 5.1.1) (TL 5.2.4)

2.1.6 Focus mechanism tests Test No. 1 Test Description Primary objective Request a range of focus positions to Test focus demonstrate the positioning resolution and resolution repeatability (±5 m, ±10 m & ±20 m) Subordinate Objectives Test repeatability Derived Requirement

2.1.7 Trolley limits tests Test No. 1 2 Test Description Drive trolley into each velocity pre-limit and check that velocity is limited to 100 mm/s Drive trolley into each final limit, check that trolley stops within allowed distance and will not drive further but will drive out of limit Primary objective Test velocity limit functionality Test final limit functionality Subordinate Objectives Derived Requirement 2.3.1 -

Check cat's eye current limit.

2.1.8 Vacuum integrity test Test No. 1 Test Description Pump down to 3 mbar and check pressure over next few hours. Primary objective Test of vacuum seals Subordinate Objectives Derived Requirement 4.1.3

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Tests under vacuum

2.2.1 Trolley slew tests Test No. 1 2 3 Test Description Carry out a 17m slew with the maximum velocity set to +0.7m/s Carry out a 17m slew with the maximum velocity set to -0.7m/s Carry out a sequence of slews at maximum velocity equivalent to 380m of delay line travel Primary objective Check metrology lock Check metrology lock Check temperatures Check power Subordinate objectives Check velocity Check acc'n Check time Check power Check steering performance Derived Requirement 2.2.1 2.2.2 (TL 5.2.6) 2.5.1 2.5.1

2.2.2 Trolley tracking tests Test No. 1 Test Description Test tracking at rates of (plus and minus) 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1mm/s, then 2 mm/s to 15 mm/s in 1 mm/s steps. Roll & shear loops closed. Continuous tracking for 10 minutes at the following velocities: 0.2mm/s, -1mm/s, +5mm/s -10mm/s & +15mm/s. (log in sections 120s to limit the size of log files) Conduct tracking tests across selected joins at ±0.2 mm/s, ±1 mm/s ±5 mm/s, ±10mm/s and ±15mm/s for both front and rear wheels. Primary objective Test of OPD performance Subordinate objectives Derived Requirement (TL 5.2.6)


Test of OPD performance over typical observation time Test of performance over join Check that specifications are not exceeded for >0.5s in 60s

(TL 5.2.6)


(TL 5.2.6)

2.2.3 Trolley trajectory tests Test No. 1 Test Description Test trajectory acquisition and time by switching from tracking at one position to tracking at another position: 4 mm, 10 mm, 20 mm, 50 mm, 100 mm, 200 mm, 500 mm, 1 m , 2m, 10 m and 15 m. Test tracking at constant accelerations 0.3 ms-2, 0.625 ms-2, 1.25 ms-2. Test reversing direction while tracking with a realistic trajectory. Test response to fringe tracking offsets of ±0.5 µm ±1 µm and ±10 µm Primary objective Check reacquisition time Test of OPD performance Test of OPD performance Test step response Subordinate objectives Derived Requirement (TL 5.2.4)

2 3 4

(TL 5.2.6) (TL 5.2.6) (TL 5.2.11)

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2.2.4 Trolley roll and shear loop tests Test No. 1 2 3 4 Test Description Slew the trolley for the full length of the test rig at a constant velocity of 90 mm/s With steering and tip/tilt loops closed Slew the trolley at 0.7 m/s Track the trolley at 15mm/s Slew the trolley for the full length of the test rig at a constant velocity of 90 mm/s while logging with steering loop off but centred and check roll. Operate the tip/tilt actuator between its limits in both axes and measure the resulting shear of the metrology beam using the shear sensor. Using the same results gathered in (4) obtain the slew rate of the tip/tilt device in both axes. Primary objective Check tip/tilt Check tip/tilt range Check shear residuals Check centre position of steering Check tip/tilt range Check tip/tilt slew rate Subordinate Objectives Check steering Check shear residuals Check shear residuals Derived Requirement 2.4.1 " " "





2.2.5 Focus tests Test No. 1 2 3 Test Description Request a range of focus positions to demonstrate the positioning resolution repeatability (±5 m, ±10 m & ±20 Step through focus range in 100 m increments and back. Tracking test at 1mm/s at either end of focus range Primary objective Test focus and resolution m) Check the focus range Check focus mechanism Subordinate Objectives Test repeatability Check repeatability Derived Requirement " "

2.2.6 Datum tests Test No. 1 2 3 Test Description Primary objective Acquire datum 10 times from different To check starting positions: at, near, far. Check datum deviation as for test 1 stability Acquire datum at various times through Intra-night testing phase. Check deviation as for test 1 stability Acquire datum the following day. Check Inter-night deviation as for test 1 stability Subordinate Objectives Derived Requirement (TL 5.1.1) (TL 5.2.4) (TL (TL (TL (TL 5.1.1) 5.2.4) 5.1.1) 5.2.4)