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Дата изменения: Mon Nov 23 14:54:27 2009
Дата индексирования: Tue Nov 24 20:21:37 2009

· What is the Monte Carlo Method? · A bit of history · Applications · The core of Monte Carlo: Random realizations · 1st example: Initial conditions for N-body simulations · 2nd example: Simulating a proper motion survey

What is the Monte Carlo Method?
· The Monte Carlo Method encompasses a large number of algorithms whose defining characteristic is the use of random numbers. · As such, these algorithms are non-deterministic, however, their use is not constrained to probabilistic models. · They can be described as "statistical simulation methods", because they provide solutions by performing statistical sampling. · Due to its nature: repetitiveness and large number of iterations, the Monte Carlo method usually requires the use of computers. · The Monte Carlo method is well suited to solve problems where a large number of parameters are involved, the complexity of the model makes a direct solution method unfeasible, or the elements involved are not well determined.

What is the Monte Carlo Method?
A simple example: Estimating the value of

If we circumscribe a circle within a square, it is obvious that the ratio of their areas is proportional to :

( r 2 / 4 r 2 ) = / 4

What is the Monte Carlo Method?
A simple example: Estimating the value of

We can turn around this expression to say that, the probability that a randomly chosen point within the square will lie inside the circle, is equal to /4.

probability = / 4

What is the Monte Carlo Method?
A simple example: Estimating the value of
This suggests a method to approximate the value of using random numbers:
1. Reset 2 counters: m=0, n=0. 2. Increment 1st counter: m = m+1. 3. Generate 2 random numbers between 0 and 1: (xi, yi). 4. Check if (xi)2 + (yi)2 <1; If so, increment 2nd counter: n = n+1. 5. Compute ratio n/m as approximation to /4. 6. Iterate from step 2 until desired precision is achieved.

Notice that we have used an aleatory algorithm to compute a definite value.

A bit of history
The seeds of the Monte Carlo method lie in the study of statistics and probability, as well as differential equations, in the XIX and early XX centuries.

G.L. Comte Buffon's needle problem Lord Rayleigh study of parabolic differential equations W.S. Gosset validation of the t-distribution function.

Buffons needle problem
The French aristocrat and scientist Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, proposed this problem in 1777. The problem consists in finding the probability that a needle of a given length, will cross a line on a floor with a set of parallel lines at equal intervals.

Buffons needle problem
This was one of the the first geometric probability problem to be solved.

Source: http://mathworld.wolfram.com

A bit of history
The Monte Carlo method first appears in the mid XX century with the work of Ulam, von Neumann and Metropolis.

Stanislaw Ulam

John von Neumann

Nicholas Metropolis

Neutron difusion calculation

The first modern use was in the simulation of neutron diffusion, within the program to develop the hydrogen bomb at Los Alamos.

A bit of history
The method was named after a famous casino in Monaco.

Casino in Monte Carlo


The method occurred to Ulam while he was convalescing and pondering probability problems related to the "solitaire" card game. Metropolis suggested the name, because of its aleatory and repetitive nature.

The Monte Carlo method is used in a very large number of fields, to solve a great diversity of problems.

The Monte Carlo method is used in a very large number of fields, to solve a great diversity of problems.
· In Mathematics it is used to solve multi-dimensional integrals with complex boundary conditions
In an m-dimensional domain, the error in the approximation decreases as n-1/2, where n is the number of sampling points used, rather than as n-1/m, as do most other methods in the absence of exploitable features.

The Monte Carlo method is used in a very large number of fields, to solve a great diversity of problems.
· In Mathematics it is also widely used to solve multi-dimensional optimization problems

Grid search
Source: esd.lbl.gov/iTOUGH2/Minimization

Simplex algorithm

Simulated Annealing

The Monte Carlo method is used in a very large number of fields, to solve a great diversity of problems.
· In Statistics there are problems that are only tractable with a Monte Carlo approach (NP-hard), like the "traveling salesman problem"

Given a number of cities and the costs of traveling from any city to any other city, what is the cheapest round-trip route that visits each city exactly once and then returns to the starting city?

The Monte Carlo method is used in a very large number of fields, to solve a great diversity of problems.
· In Computer Graphics they are used in the "ray tracing" rendering technique

The idea is to trace back, from the pixels in the final image, the light rays back in time, taking into account multiple dispersions and reflections

The Monte Carlo method is used in a very large number of fields, to solve a great diversity of problems.
· Risk Analysis, an increasingly important tool in engineering and business, relies on Monte Carlo techniques to assess the overall risk due to a variety of ill-defined factors, when taking a decision.

The Monte Carlo method is used in a very large number of fields, to solve a great diversity of problems.
· A practical, and very useful application in Risk Analysis, is the program SAROPS, used by the U.S. Coast Guard to predict the likely position of debris and survivors of a maritime accident.

The Monte Carlo method is used in a very large number of fields, to solve a great diversity of problems.
· In Astronomy it has many applications. One example is modeling light scattering by dust grains.

The Monte Carlo method is used in a very large number of fields, to solve a great diversity of problems.
· Another astronomical application is generation of initial conditions for N-body simulations.

Random realizations
Our basic task is to build what is called a random realization of a given distribution function of one, or possibly, many variables. For instance, we may want to create a list of values xi for i=1, N, distributed according to a distribution function f(x), or we may want to create a list of 3-D coordinates (xi,yi,zi), i=1, N, distributed according to some density function (x,y,z).

Random realizations
Now, what exactly is meant by a random realization of a continuous model? After all, a discrete collection of values is quite different from a continuous function.

What we mean is that if we apply statistical tests on the discrete values, like grouping them together in bins to perform a 2 test, or compute the cumulative distribution to perform a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, we will find that the discrete set of values is consistent, within the Poisson fluctuations expected for the size of the sample, with the continuous model. We will refine this definition later on, for now this will suffice.

The constant probability function
Let us illustrate this with a very simple distribution: the constant probability distribution function:

1, 0 < x < 1, f (x) = 0, x < 0, or x > 1
It is clear that in this case a random, equal probability list of independent values between 0 and 1 will constitute a random realization of this, trivial, continuous function.

The constant probability function
But how do we get a list of random, independent values between 0 and 1?

Not precisely a bestseller!

Most computer languages have an intrinsic function with a name like "ran" that returns a random real number between 0 and 1:

The constant probability function
xi = ran( )

As we can see, the random realization fluctuations. So, all probability function

size of the fluctuations decreases as the size of the increases, in proportion to the expected poissonian these samples are random realizations of a constant defined between 0 and 1.

The constant probability function
Now, what do we do for a constant probability distribution function defined between two arbitrary points?, say,

1, x1 < x < x2 , f (x) = 0, x < x1 , or x > x2

x x



In this case, it is obvious that the simple transformation:

xi = [( x2 - x1 ) в ran( )] - x1
will do the trick, as it maps the unit interval onto the desired interval.

1-Dimensional case
Let us now turn to arbitrary 1-dimensional distribution functions. There are two basic conditions that a good distribution function must meet: it must be positive everywhere and its integral over the entire range of the independent variable must be finite, and in fact, we will assume that the function has been normalized to unit area, so we can interpret it as a probability density distribution function.

f ( x ) > 0, and


f ( x ') dx ' = 1.

The question is, how to generate a random realization of this arbitrary function?

1-Dimensional case
Before addressing this problem, let us define the cumulative distribution function x F(x) as,



f ( x ') dx '

Since we assume that f(x) has been normalized to unit area, it is clear that:
x -

lim F ( x ) = 0, and

lim F ( x ) = 1.

It is also clear that F(x) is a monotonically increasing function, since f(x) is positive.

1-Dimensional case
Let us look at a particular interval at x =xi of length dx. The expected number of points within this interval in a random realization of size N of this distribution function is:

ni = N f ( xi ) dx,
Now, from its definition, it is clear that f(x) is the derivative of its cumulative function: f(x) = (dF/dx). We can then write the expected number of points a as,

ni = N dF.
Let us now compare the previous two expressions for ni. In the first one, the expected number of points varies as x changes, even if we keep the size of the dx interval fixed, through the function f(x). In the second expression, however, the variation has been absorbed by dF, so if we fix the length of the interval dF, the expected number of points is constant!

1-Dimensional case
And this is the trick, we should create a random realization of a uniform distribution in the F variable and then project back onto x by using the inverse function F-1(x):
Notice how a uniform distribution of points on F maps onto a varying distribution in x that follows the f(x) distribution function: Where f(x) has a large value, F climbs fast and a given interval dF maps to narrow intervals in x. Where f(x) has a small value, F flattens out and the same interval dF now stretches to a large interval in x.

So the general recipe to create a random realization of an arbitrary distribution function of one variable f(x) is:

xi = F -1[ ran( )]

A 1-dimensional example
Letґs work a specific example:

f ( x ) = (1 / ) exp(- x 2 )

This is an even, normalized function, whose maximum is at the origin and quickly decreases at both sides.

A 1-dimensional example
The first step is to find the cumulative distribution function:
x x

F(x) =


f ( x ') dx ' = (1 / )


exp(- x '2 ) dx ' = (1 / 2 )[1 + Erf ( x )]

A 1-dimensional example
The first step is to find the cumulative distribution function:
x x

F(x) =


f ( x ') dx ' = (1 / )


exp(- x '2 ) dx ' = (1 / 2 )[1 + Erf ( x )]

The next step is to find the inverse of the cumulative distribution function: -1

x = Erf (2 F - 1)

A 1-dimensional example
We can now use F-1 to generate random realizations of the function we are using as our example:

xi = Erf -1[ 2 в ran( ) - 1]

2-Dimensional case
We begin with a simple 2-dimensional example:

( x, y) = (1 / ) exp[ -( x 2 + y 2 )]

We notice that this function can be separated as the product of two functions, one for each variable, with no cross term:

( x, y) = (1 / ) exp(- x 2 ) в (1 / ) exp(- y 2 )

2-Dimensional case
This means that each variable is independent of the other and so, we can reduce this problem to two, 1-dimensional problems, and use the methods of last section.

( xi , yi ) = Erf -1[ 2 в ran( ) - 1], Erf -1[ 2 в ran( ) - 1]



Changing coordinates
Some times it is more convenient to use coordinates other than Cartesian to generate the random realization. For instance, in the previous example, the 1-dimensional involves the inverse of the error function, which has to be numerically. Although there are very efficient routines to compute it, it because as the size of the random realization increases, evaluation will slow down the computations. It is better to look for a more efficient approach. cumulative function approximated is better to avoid it, its repeated

Changing coordinates
We will use polar coordinates (R, ) to simplify the previous example. Now, since the expected number of points in a given region of the domain has to be the same, regardless of the coordinate system used, it is clear that:

( x, y) dxdy = ( R, ) RdRd = '( R, ) dRd

where RdRd is the differential element of area that corresponds to dxdy. Notice that ' has absorbed the extra R. The distribution function in polar coordinates is then,

'( R, ) = ( R / ) exp(- R 2 ).
Since this function has no dependency on , it is convenient to integrate it 2 azimuthally:

* ( R) =


'( R, ) d = 2 R exp(- R 2 ).

Changing coordinates
It is important to realize that '(R,) and *(R) are not the same, the former represents probability per unit area dRd, while the latter represents probability per unit anulus of radius R and width dR. They are quite different.

So, we have turned the problem of creating a random realization of a 2dimensional function, into two 1-dimensional problems in polar coordinates: we must create a random realization of *(R) , and since the distribution function has no azimuthal dependence, for it will be a matter of drawing random values between 0 and 2.

Changing coordinates
First, we find the cumulative distribution function for *(R) :
R * R

( R) = ( R ') dR ' = 2 R' exp(- R '2 ) dR ' = 1 - exp(- R 2 ) .
0 0

Notice that Z(R) represents the fraction of the sample contained within a circle of radius R. It is normalized, as it should be, since we have obtained it ensuring that the probabilities per unit area are conserved.

Changing coordinates
The inverse function is simply:

R = - ln(1 - ) .

We can now create a random realization of this function as follows:

( Ri , i ) =


- ln[1 - ran( )], 2 в ran( )


Notice that, in this particular example, by going to polar coordinates, we have avoided the inverse error function, and ended up with a faster algorithm.

Changing variables
Our previous example had azimuthal symmetry, and so it was obvious that polar coordinates would simplify the problem, as the resulting distribution function would be the product of two independent functions, and the one for the azimuth would be trivial. What happens if this symmetry is lost by a simple scaling along the principal axes of the distribution?

1 ( x, y ) =


/ exp[ -( x 2 + y 2 )]


Changing variables
It is clear that a simple change of variables can result in azimuthal symmetry:

s = x,

t = y, exp[ -( x 2 + y 2 )] = exp[ -( s 2 + t 2 )]

In order to transform the distribution function to the new coordinates, we must remember the basic principle that the expected fraction of a random realization, on equivalent domain regions in the old and new variables, is the same:

1 ( x, y) dxdy = 1 ( s, t )

dsdt ' = 1 ( s, t ) dsdt

The distribution function in the new variables is then,
' 1 ( s, t ) = (1 / ) exp[ -( s 2 + t 2 )]

which is exactly our previous example.

Changing variables
Distribution functions can be transformed changing variables, or using different coordinate systems. But in doing so, we should always use the basic principle that, the fraction of the sample on equivalent domain regions must be the same.

1st Assignment
Write a program that approximates the value of using the method

described in the lecture. Make a plot of the fractional error as a function of the number of iterations. Determine the dependency of the fractional error on the number of iterations.

End of first lecture